01 - Stravinsky - 皇家進行曲 The Royal March
02 - Chopin - 即興幻想曲 Fantasie Impromptu
03 - Aaron Neville - 某處某人 Somewhere Somebody
04 - Rebecca Pidgeon - 荘尼的長袍 Johny Rope
05 - Paco De Lucia - 美國生活 Live In America
06 - From Teresa Teng 35 Years' Special Edition - 難忘的初戀情人 Unforgettable the First Love
07 - Paul Freeman - 塔朗泰拉舞曲 Tarantella
08 - Rossini - G大調第一小提琴奏鳴曲 Sonata No.1, G major
09 - From Pictures At An Exhibition - The Hut On The Leg Of Hen & The Great Gate at Kiev
10 - Bonia Trio - 赫底拉(男低音) Hindinaa
11 - Norah Jones - 羅西的搖籃曲(模擬錄音) Rosie's Lullaby (Analog recording)
12 - Janos Starker - 戈帕克舞 選自歌劇《索羅欽集市》 From The Opera 'The Fair At Sorotchinsk'
13 - Gerardo Matos Rodríguez - 假麵遊行 La Cumparsita
14 - Dana Winner - 你需要我 You Needed Me
15 - Rodion Shchedrin - 托雷羅 選自《卡門組曲》 Torero (from Carmen)
16 - René Leibowitz - 進場曲 (選自卡門) Enter Act (From Carmen)
17 - Carl Orff - 快樂時光 選自《布蘭詩歌》 Tempus est iocundum (from Camina Burana)
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----- 所有的音樂隻是試聽音質請購買原裝版本 -----