《亨德爾 *** 皇家焰火音樂》

來源: 肯老的 2019-12-30 06:30:11 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (23726 bytes)

Music for the Royal Fireworks

【專輯名稱】亨德爾 - Music for the Royal Fireworks (皇家焰火音樂)
【專輯藝人】Sir Neville Marriner (指揮), Academy of St Martin in the Fields
【專輯風格】Classical, Orchestral/Symphonic
【發行公司】Decca Music

【專輯簡介】 · · · · · ·

The Music for the Royal Fireworks (HWV 351) is a wind band suite composed by George Frideric Handel in 1749 under contract of George II of Great Britain for the fireworks in London's Green Park on 27 April 1749. It was to celebrate the end of the War of the Austrian Succession and the signing of the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748.

1749年4月份《愛克斯.拉.夏貝爾和約》在倫敦簽署,標誌著“奧地利王位繼承戰爭”的結束。英國皇室準備用一場焰火晚會來慶祝和平,而亨德爾則受命為焰火表演創作背景音樂。 4月下旬,《皇家焰火音樂》首演於倫敦渥哈爾花園,亨德爾親自擔任指揮,而後曲目引起極大轟動,一舉獲得成功。雖然那場焰火晚會搞得很糟糕——燃放煙火時居然發生了火星飛濺而引發火災,燒掉帳蓬的意外事件,但《皇家焰火音樂》卻永久地流傳下來。 

【專輯曲目】 · · · · · ·

In the French or "da capo" style, a style in which the faster movement is placed between the outer slower movements. The final section is a repeat of the opening exposition. Literally "da capo" means "from the beginning".

A dance form in a four-in-the-measure rhythm. All its phrases begin on the fourth beat of the bar - otherwise it resembles a Gavotte.

La Paix
Literally "Peace": this movement in 12/8 takes the form of a Siciliana or "Pifa". Pastoral in style, it is thought that the opening melody of this movement is from an authentic folk song that Handel noted down while in Italy.

La Réjouissance ("Rejoicing")
A celebratory movement with the brass section to the fore. It includes some brilliant antiphony.

Minuet I
A graceful three-in-the-measure dance written in the minor key, D minor. The movement being in the minor may have formed the trio section of the minuet which follows.

Minuet II
A return to the major key, and the brilliant writing makes for a joyful climax to the Suite


----- all music copyrighted please purchase original materials -----
----- 所有的音樂隻是試聽音質請購買原裝版本 -----




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豆青,新年快樂,每年看時報廣場倒數煙花匯演,知道又一年要開始了! -肯老的- 給 肯老的 發送悄悄話 肯老的 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/01/2020 postreply 07:27:09

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