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【專輯藝人】: 群星 (Jacintha, Patricia Barber, Esther Ofarim, Ayako Hosokawa and Marie Nakamoto)
【專輯名稱】: Five Songbirds (五鳥之聲)
【發行日期】: April 27, 2004年
【唱片公司】: Fim [1st Impression]



如果你也感同身受,FIM最新推出的Five Songbirds(FIM SACD 048)SACD/CD光碟,肯定會令你轉涕為笑。 Five Songbirds所收錄的歌曲全部精選自FIM旗下五朵金花――Esther Ofarims,Jacintha,Patricia Barber,Ayako Hosokawa及Marie Nakamoto的個人專輯。資深的發燒友,對這些芳名相信都不會感到陌生。尤其是Esther,她在一九七二年以德語所錄的一個專輯,在當時被發燒友一致推崇為世界最佳女聲。老友阿狂更聲稱假如你沒有Esther,最好別告訴人家你是發燒友!

三十餘年來,Esther的錄音輾轉錄製成CD、XRCD及SACD,至今仍歷久不衰,深得顧曲周郎的愛戴。 Five Songbirds中我最喜歡的兩首歌曲,其中一首就是由Esther所演唱的Kinderspiele。這首歌曲的伴奏非常簡單,隻有一把淡雅的六弦琴,將Esther的清純的歌聲襯托得有如不食人間煙火的仙女。

Patricia Barber的A Taste of Honey則與Esther大異其趣。


This album is a celebration of the signature songs of 5 great divas. For this reference sampler album, FIM has carefully selected the best tracks from their archives, particularly looking for tracks that stood out in terms of excellence in performance, vocal articulation, and superior musicality. Includes songs by these world-class singers: Jacintha, Patricia Barber, Esther Ofarim, Ayako Hosokawa and Marie Nakamoto.


1. Kinderspiele - Esther Ofarims
2. A Taste Of Honey - Patricia Barber
3. Danny Boy - Jacintha
4. That Sunday (That Summer) - Ayako Hosokawa
5. Georgia On My Mind - Marie Nakamoto
6. Somewhere Over The Rainbow - Jacintha
7. Darling, Je Vous Aime Beaucoup /La Vie En Rose - Ayako Hosokawa
8. Una Matica de Ruda - Esther Ofarims
9. The Beat Goes On - Patricia Barber
10. Tears In Heaven - Ayako Hosokawa
11. Autumn Leaves - Jacintha
12. What A Difference A Day Made - Marie Nakamoto


  • Kinderspiele - 3:12
  • A Taste of Honey - 4:30
  • Danny Boy - 7:26
  • That Sunday (That Summer) - 3:39
  • Georgia On My Mind - 5:14
  • Somewhere Over The Rainbow - 9:40
  • Je Vous Aime Beaucoup - 4:36
  • Una Matica de Ruda - 3:07
  • The Best Goes On - 5:35
  • Tears In Heaven - 4:54
  • Autumn Leaves - 7:44
  • What A Difference A Day Made - 3:41


----- All music copyrighted and of sampler quality please purchase original materials -----
----- 所有的音樂隻是試聽音質請尊重版權購買原裝版本 -----





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