
來源: noworry 2018-11-17 18:56:22 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (5141 bytes)

記得當年網友“花露水” 的甜美的女兒,這首歌曲唱的非常好,網友“頃刻花開” 翻譯的更是絕頂美妙。
轉眼,網友“花露水”,還有“頃刻花開”,已經是多年不見網上,想必二位網友一向可好,網友“花露水” 的甜美的女兒,也已經是個大姑娘了吧,但願她如歌曲所說的,展翅高飛!!!



Grew up in a small town 在一個小鎮成長
And when the rai,n would fall down 每當風雨迷茫
I just stared out my window 我向窗外凝望
Dreaming of a could-be 夢想著我的夢想
And if I'd end up happy 如果我能快樂輝煌
I would pray (I would pray) 我將會祈禱(我將會祈禱)
Trying not to reach out 本不想外麵的世界
But when I'd try to speak out 但我內心深處的傾訴
Felt like no one could hear me 卻無人能聽懂我的心想。
Wanted to belong here 也想要歸屬這兒
But something felt so wrong here 但總覺得那麽不安然
So I pray (I would pray) 所以我祈禱(我將會祈禱)
I could breakaway 我將要遠走他鄉
I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly 我將展開翅膀,我將學習飛翔
I'll do what it takes til' I touch the sky 我將奮勇飛翔直到我接觸天涯
I'll make a wish 我將許下心願
Take a chance 嚐試一下
Make a change 奮鬥一場
And breakaway 遠走他鄉
Out of the darkness and into the sun 脫離黑暗,衝向光明
But I won't forget all the ones that I loved 但我不會忘記我所深愛故鄉的一切
I'll take a risk 我將頑強冒險
Take a chance 嚐試一下
Make a change 奮鬥一場
And breakaway 遠走他鄉
Wanna feel the warm breeze 想感受暖風和煦
Sleep under a palm tree 睡在棕櫚樹下
Feel the rush of the ocean 感受海浪拍擊
Get onboard a fast train 搭上一輛快車
Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will) 登上一架飛機,展翅高飛(我將)
And breakaway 遠走他鄉
I'll make a wish 我將許下心願
I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly 我將展開翅膀,我將學習飛翔
I'll do what it takes til' I touch the sky 我要奮勇飛翔直到我接觸天涯
I'll make a wish 我將許下心願
Take a chance 嚐試一下
Make a change 奮鬥一場
And breakaway 遠走他鄉
Out of the darkness and into the sun 脫離黑暗,衝向光明
But I won't forget all the ones that I loved 但我不會忘記我所深愛故鄉的一切
I'll take a risk 我將頑強冒險
Take a chance 嚐試一下
Make a change 奮鬥一場
And breakaway 遠走他鄉
Buildings with a hundred floors 營建參天大廈
Swinging around wild indoors 絢麗多彩香溢四方
Maybe I don't know where they'll take me but 可能我並不知道我的未來是什麽,但
Gotta keep moving on, moving on 我要向前,永遠向前。
I'll take a risk 我將頑強冒險
Take a chance 嚐試一下
Make a change 奮鬥一場
And breakaway 遠走他鄉
Out of the darkness and into the sun 脫離黑暗,衝向光明
I'll take a risk 我將頑強冒險
Take a chance 嚐試一下
Make a change 奮鬥一場
And breakaway 遠走他鄉



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