You are the shepherd who guides me to righteousness

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回答: 讚美詩文音音2016-03-13 12:59:09

You are my light and my salvation 主禰是我亮光和我拯救

The shepherd who guides me to righteousness 我的牧者引領我走義路

You hear me when I call 我呼求禰聆聽

You are my strength when I am weak 當我軟弱禰使我剛強

Keeping me safe from the enemies 主禰保守我脫離凶惡

Lord you reign forever 禰為王到永遠

I'll sing for joy cause you have saved me 因禰的救贖我歡喜歌唱

All my sins are now forgiven 我的罪現已得赦免

You shall be glorified in the highest 在至高處禰配受尊崇

King of kings and Lord of Lords 全地主萬王之王

All the nations shout your greatness 萬國歡呼禰的偉大

You've won over the power of darkness 禰己戰勝黑暗的權勢

I'll praise your name till I see you face to face 我要稱頌禰名直到我見禰的麵

My Saviour and my Jesus 主耶穌我救贖主

Though I stumble and cry out from all troubles 雖我跌倒在痛苦中哭泣流淚

But you wipe all my tears calling me yours 但禰親近我抹乾我眼淚

I love you Jesus with my all 我全心愛禰我主耶穌

My love for you will never change 我對禰的愛永不改變

I'm yours I live to praise and worship you forevermore 我屬於禰我一生活著要敬拜讚美禰



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