Out of Africa 《走出非洲》-- 滌蕩凡塵
Stay with Me till the Morning -- 留下伴我到天明
該歌曲是改編的 莫紮特的 A大調單 簧管協奏曲 第二樂章, 【 Mozart's Clarinet Concerto 】
由比利時歌手 Dana Winner 演繹,她的音域寬廣,音色純淨,質樸中見真情。
該歌詞之英文極富詩韻,實不忍譯翻,以破其美; 然為友之切,權 拙筆代皰。

Stay with Me till the Morning --- 伴我到天明
(Dana Winner 黛娜 溫哪爾)
Dawn breaks above the neon lights 晨曦破霓裳
Soon the day dissolves the night 傾爾夜散光
Warm the sheets caress 溫暖巾與被
my emptiness as you leave 拂我君別惆悵
Lying here in the afterglow 斜臥巫峽雲雨後
Tears in spite of all I know Prize of foolish sin 淚知情債終須償
I can't give in 仍無悔
Can't you see 君知否?
Though you want to stay 知君雖欲留住
You're gone before the day 但須五更離去
I never say those words How could I 雖從未明言 怎求你:
Stay with me till the morning 且留下伴我到天明
I've walked the streets alone before 我曾躑躅街頭
Safe I'm locked behind the door 落鎖方覺平安
Strong in my belief 亦曾意決如鐵
No joy or grief touches me 再無歡樂悲傷可動
But when you close your eyes 而 當你合目無語
It's then I realize 我陡然明了
There's nothing left to prove 毋需任何表白
So darling 心上人啊
Stay with me till the morning 且伴我到天明
(此譯 是 2009年 為好友所作)