試譯最新奧斯卡提名曲《Alone Yet Not Alone》瓊妮·厄爾克森
主光照我回家園。 God's the light that will guide me home.
祂的慈愛和關懷,With His love and tenderness,
引我穿過洪荒蠻,Leading through the wilderness,
無論哪裏我走遍,And wherever I may roam,
我雖孤零不孤單。I'm alone, yet not alone.
我不因懼把腰彎。I will not be bent in fear.
主容避難在近前。He's the refuge I know is near.
在祂大能我尋見。In His strength I find my own.
從祂不變憐憫看。By His faithful mercies shown.
祂的盾牌何其堅 That so mighty is His shield
祂的大愛已彰顯。All His love is now revealed.
當我腳步走失偏 When my steps are lost.
因需引導沮喪顯,And desperate for a guide,
我能感到祂觸咱, I can feel his touch,
撫慰出現我身邊。A soothing presence by my side.
我雖孤零不孤單。Alone, yet not alone.
沒被拋棄獨自站。Not forsaken when on my own.
我能倚靠祂臂端,I can lean upon His arm,
脫離危境得安全。And be lifted up from harm.
我若失足若摔遠,If I stumble, or if I'm thrown,
我雖孤零不孤單。I'm alone, yet not alone.
我身邊!By my side!
祂以神愛管束咱,He has bound me with His love,
守望天使朝下看。Watchful angels look from above.
麵對邪惡我勇敢,Every evil can be braved,
因知有祂救贖咱。For I know I will be saved.
單獨從不覺膽戰,Never frightened on my own,
我雖孤零不孤單。I'm alone, yet not alone.
我雖孤零不孤單。I'm alone, yet not alone.