
甘地傳》是1982年英國和印度合製的影片,描寫聖雄甘地的傳奇人生。愛因斯坦是這樣評論甘地:“後世的子孫也許很難相信,人世間曾經走過這樣一副血肉之軀。”(Generations to come will scarcely believe that such a one as this walked the earth in flesh and blood.)耶穌之後,聖雄甘地是我最崇拜的人。


Speak only as godlike of the man who feels another's pain
Who shares another's sorrow and pride does disdain
Who regards himself lowliest of the low
Speaks not a word of evil against anyone
Blessed is the mother who gave birth to such a son
Who looks upon everyone as his equal,
Lust he has renounced 
Who honours women like he honours his mother 
Whose tongue knows not the taste of falsehood
Nor covets another's worldly goods
Who longs not for worldly wealth (or fame)
For he treads the path of renunciation
Ever on his lips is Ram's holy name 
All places of pilgrimage are within him
He has conquered greed, is free of deceit, lust and anger
Through him Narsinh has godly vision
And his generation to come will attain salvation.


