【Emmanuel Chabrier作品欣賞】舞曲一組

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【Emmanuel Chabrier作品欣賞】舞曲一組

Painter: Jan Steen

Piano duet:Pinuccia Giarmanà & Alessandro Lucchetti

España, pour 2 pianos

Souvenirs de Munich, quadrille on themes from Wagner's "Tristan and Isolde" for piano 4 hands: "Pantalon, Eté, Poule, Pastourelle, Galop"

Bourrée Fantasque for Piano Four Hands

Cortège burlesque for Piano Four Hands

Trois Valses Romantiques for Two Pianos

Piano: Ginette Doyen

Dix Pièces pittoresques - 7. Danse villageoise(Village dance)

Dix Pièces pittoresques - 10. Scherzo-Valse(Scherzo-Waltz)

Piano: Marcelle Meyer


Orchestral Works


Joyeuse marche for Orchestra - Ernest Ansermet and His Orchestra

España, Philadelphia Orchestra

Alexis Emmanuel Chabrier (January 18, 1841 – September 13, 1894) was a French Romantic composer and pianist. Although known primarily for two of his orchestral works, España and Joyeuse marche, he left an important corpus of operas (including the increasingly popular L'étoile), songs, and piano music as well. These works, though small in number, are of very high quality, and he was admired by composers as diverse as Debussy, Ravel, Richard Strauss, Satie, Schmitt, Stravinsky, and the group of composers known as Les six. Stravinsky alluded to España in his ballet Petrushka, Ravel wrote that the opening bars of Le roi malgré lui changed the course of harmony in France, Poulenc wrote a biography of the composer, and Richard Strauss conducted the first staged performance of Chabrier's incomplete opera Brisé?s.

Chabrier was also associated with some of the leading writers and painters of his time. He was especially friendly with the painters Claude Monet and édouard Manet, and collected Impressionist paintings before Impressionism became fashionable. A number of such paintings from his personal collection are now housed in some of the world's leading art museums.

Chabrier's friends from the artistic avant-garde in Paris included Gabriel Fauré, Ernest Chausson, and Vincent d'Indy, as well as painters Henri Fantin-Latour, Edgar Degas and édouard Manet, whose 'Thursday' soirées Chabrier attended, and writers such as émile Zola, Alphonse Daudet, Jean Moréas, Jean Richepin, Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam and Stéphane Mallarmé. On a trip to Munich with Henri Duparc in 1879, he discovered Wagner's masterpiece Tristan und Isolde. This event led him to realize his true passion for composition, and he quit the Ministry of the Interior in 1880. That year he composed his piano cycle Pièces pittoresques, of which the Idylle greatly influenced Francis Poulenc.

Chabrier plunged himself into the scores of Wagner, and became an important assistant to Charles Lamoureux in preparing concert performances of the German master's works in Paris. He travelled to London (1882) and Brussels (1883) to hear Wagner's Ring cycle. However, the strength of Chabrier's musical personality and his essential 'Frenchness' of temperament and sensibility made it impossible for him to do more than experiment with Wagner's more superficial technical procedures, without getting involved in the aesthetic and philosophical theories.

In 1882 Chabrier visited Spain, which resulted in his most famous work, España (1883), a mixture of popular airs he had heard and his own imagination. In the view of his friend Duparc, this composition for orchestra demonstrated an individual style that seemed to come from nowhere; other contemporary musicians were more condescending.

His opera Gwendoline, set in England during the Anglo-Saxon period, was refused by the Paris Opera but was a success at its premiere at La Monnaie in Brussels under Henry Verdhurdt in 1885. However, it closed after just two performances because the impresario went bankrupt. Despite this major disappointment, he soon found a new lyric project to tackle - Le roi malgré lui (The King in Spite of Himself) - and completed the score in six months. But bad luck intervened again when, having been well-received, its run at the Opéra-Comique in Paris ended when the theatre burned after the third performance. D'Indy felt Chabrier lavished some of his most beautiful music on Le roi malgré lui but condemned the libretto, complaining "people continually come in when they ought to go out and vice versa". Fortunately (through Chabrier's friendship with the Belgian tenor Ernest van Dyck and subsequently the conductor Felix Mottl), theater directors in Leipzig and Munich expressed interest in both works and Chabrier made several happy trips to Germany as a result.

On 13 July 1888 Chabrier was nominated to the order of Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur.

《如畫小品》(Dix Pièces Pittoresques,10首,1881年)√
《西班牙》(España, rapsodie pour orchestre,1883年)√
《身不由己的國王》(Le roi malgré lui,1887年)
《快樂進行曲》(Joyeuse marche,1888年)√
《田園組曲》(Suite pastorale,1888年)
《幻想布列舞曲》(Bourrée Fantasque,1891年)√
《詼諧圓舞曲》(Scherzo Valse)

揚·哈菲克鬆·斯特恩(Jan Havickszoon Steen,約1626年 – 1679年2月3日下葬)是17世紀(即荷蘭黃金時代)荷蘭風俗畫油畫家。他的作品以心理洞察力、幽默感以及豐富的色彩為特點。

日常生活是斯特恩的主要繪畫題材。他畫的許多風俗場麵,比如聖尼古拉斯節的盛宴(The Feast of Saint Nicholas),其活潑熱烈已達到混亂和淫蕩的地步。由此而來的荷蘭語諺語een huishouden van Jan Steen即“一個揚·斯特恩家庭”意為一個混亂的場景。他畫中微妙的暗示看來表示斯特恩旨在提醒觀眾,而並非請他仿效這種行為。斯特恩的許多油畫都和老的荷蘭諺語或文學有關。他經常用他的家庭成員作模特,但他的自畫像卻很少,在自畫像裏他也絲毫不顯虛榮。


他非常多產,創作了大約800幅油畫,其中約350幅流傳至今。他的作品被同時代人估價很高,所以他賣畫賺了很多錢。他的學生不多,現在隻知道有理查德·布拉肯比赫(Richard Brakenburg)。但是他的畫作給了無數畫家以靈感。

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沙發~~ 謝謝介紹斯特恩作品加美樂欣賞, 周末愉快! -百荷玫- 給 百荷玫 發送悄悄話 百荷玫 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/10/2013 postreply 14:40:08

周末愉快! -塵埃2.0- 給 塵埃2.0 發送悄悄話 塵埃2.0 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/10/2013 postreply 16:03:46

太棒樂! -一藍- 給 一藍 發送悄悄話 一藍 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/10/2013 postreply 16:16:32

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詼諧舞曲~~ -yijuhua- 給 yijuhua 發送悄悄話 yijuhua 的博客首頁 (102 bytes) () 05/10/2013 postreply 16:25:43

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每首都很棒,謝謝分享! -lasha07- 給 lasha07 發送悄悄話 lasha07 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/10/2013 postreply 17:03:57

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好聽,謝謝分享!周末愉快! -xiaofeixia- 給 xiaofeixia 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 05/10/2013 postreply 18:05:57

謝謝飛俠! -塵埃2.0- 給 塵埃2.0 發送悄悄話 塵埃2.0 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/10/2013 postreply 20:43:13

很好聽,也很喜歡選的圖畫,又發現多一位畫家,收藏, 周末愉快~~ -紫千葉- 給 紫千葉 發送悄悄話 紫千葉 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/10/2013 postreply 18:48:03

榮幸!周末愉快! -塵埃2.0- 給 塵埃2.0 發送悄悄話 塵埃2.0 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/10/2013 postreply 20:44:06

喜歡塵埃的每一貼,周末快樂! -肖蕭- 給 肖蕭 發送悄悄話 肖蕭 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/11/2013 postreply 06:24:36

謝謝你。也喜歡你的帖子。 -塵埃2.0- 給 塵埃2.0 發送悄悄話 塵埃2.0 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/11/2013 postreply 10:55:01

聆聽學習:) -AriesKnight- 給 AriesKnight 發送悄悄話 AriesKnight 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/11/2013 postreply 06:54:29

騎士好! -塵埃2.0- 給 塵埃2.0 發送悄悄話 塵埃2.0 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/11/2013 postreply 10:56:50

永遠沒有尾聲的舞會,謝謝分古典美 -Sridhar- 給 Sridhar 發送悄悄話 Sridhar 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/11/2013 postreply 07:02:09

大S好! -塵埃2.0- 給 塵埃2.0 發送悄悄話 塵埃2.0 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/11/2013 postreply 10:57:31

一如即往的美貼 -yy888- 給 yy888 發送悄悄話 yy888 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/11/2013 postreply 07:32:57

一如既往的感謝圓圓的支持! -塵埃2.0- 給 塵埃2.0 發送悄悄話 塵埃2.0 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/11/2013 postreply 10:58:47

喜歡這種音樂. 製貼也特棒. 謝謝分享. -秀山- 給 秀山 發送悄悄話 秀山 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/11/2013 postreply 13:19:10

謝謝欣賞。 -塵埃2.0- 給 塵埃2.0 發送悄悄話 塵埃2.0 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/11/2013 postreply 21:22:32

Don't miss: French Belle epoque(music), Dutch Golden time(painti -法國薰衣草- 給 法國薰衣草 發送悄悄話 法國薰衣草 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/12/2013 postreply 08:20:05

謝謝提醒,不會的。 -塵埃2.0- 給 塵埃2.0 發送悄悄話 塵埃2.0 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/12/2013 postreply 09:21:42

欣賞中...謝謝! -書童- 給 書童 發送悄悄話 書童 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/12/2013 postreply 13:04:42
