沒有特妙的招嗬,就是象您那樣用了濾鏡:)~。Youtube提供有一個特殊的swf文件,把它load進來就可以調用google提供的API methods了。這樣就可以使用自己的播放按鈕了。這裏列幾個google的API methods給您:
- loadVideoById() - This method loads a video and play it instantly once the video is ready to be played.
- cueVideoById() - This method loads a video, but does not play it automatically. The use will have to use the playVideo() method to play
- playVideo() - Plays a cued video or a paused video.
- pauseVideo() - Pauses a video at its current position.
- stopVideo() - Stops the video and resets it to the beginning.
- mute() - Mutes the sound of the video.
- unMute() - Unmutes the sound of the video.
偶其實應該做得更好的,應該用cueVideoById() ,這樣可以確保MTV和我的設計同步。不過,現在已經貼了,就不想改了。~