
來源: 法國薰衣草 2012-05-12 14:50:40 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1694 bytes)

那個村莊不是少數民族,不過離北京也足夠遠的了, 怎麽一離皇城遠了,人們就樂意唱歌了呢?



那是起源於哪裏? 我很想知道, 加加你知道得多

我也不知道太多,在達芬奇的畫展,介紹了一本書: 《The Book of the 

Courtier》(1528) 作者:Baldesar Castiglione, 一位羅馬教廷大使,這本書他寫了20年, 從1508年開始, 1528年出版, 不久他就去世了。書中通過假設的對話:推崇製定了一些宮廷貴族基本的道德行為禮節規則,

一位宮廷人員應該: 有冷靜的頭腦,好的嗓音,用詞優雅得體勇敢, 舉止也要優雅得體。 同時他也是一位具有勇士精神的,運動也不錯的,深知人道體察人性的, 通曉古典藝術....書中也討論了高貴, 幽默, 女人和愛

《 The book is organized as a series of fictional conversations that occur between the courtiers of the Duke of Urbino in 1507 (when Baldassare was in fact part of the Duke's Court). In the book, the courtier is described as having a cool mind, a good voice (with beautiful, elegant and brave words) along with proper bearing and gestures. At the same time though, the courtier is expected to have a warrior spirit, to be athletic, and have good knowledge of the humanities, Classics and fine arts. Over the course of four evenings, members of the court try to describe the perfect gentleman of the court. In the process they debate the nature of nobility, humor, women, and love.》





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