他們說有這樣一個地方 They say there's a place 所有的夢想都已經遠颺 where dreams have all gone 他們從來沒說在哪邊廂 They never said where 我卻認為知道它在何方 but I think I know 穿越黑夜後的千裏之疆 It's miles through the night 它就在黎明之前的路上 just over the dawn 這條路將帶我回到家鄉 on the road that will take me home
我如此刻骨銘心這樣想 I know in my bones 以前我曾經來過這地方 I've been here before 大地給我的感覺沒兩樣 The ground feels the same 雖已是滿目瘡痍的荒涼 though the land's been torn 我要走的道路依然漫長 I've a long way to go 星星告訴我繼續向遠方 The stars tell me so 這條路將帶我回到家鄉 on this road that will take me home
愛就在前麵拐彎的路旁 Love waits for me 'round the bend 引領我不歇腳步向前方 Leads me endlessly on 我確信我將不再有悲傷 Surely sorrows shall find their end 我們所有的煩惱也遠颺 and all our troubles will be gone 我知道我已失去的過往 And I'll know what I've lost 以及將贏得的所有輝煌 and all that I've won 這條路將帶我回到家鄉 when the road finally takes me home
希望當我經過這個地方 And when I pass by 千萬不要因此迷失方向 don't lead me astray 不要為阻止我設置屏障 Don't try to stop me 不要企圖把我擋在路上 Don't stand in my way 我一定翻山越嶺向前方 I'm bound for the hills 清涼的小溪在腳下流淌 where cool waters flow 這條路將帶我回到家鄉 on this road that will take me home
愛就在前麵拐彎的路旁 Love waits for me 'round the bend 引領我不歇腳步向前方 Leads me endlessly on 我確信我將不再有悲傷 Surely sorrows shall find their end 我們所有的煩惱也遠颺 and all our troubles will be gone 我知道我已失去的過往 And I'll know what I've lost 以及將贏得的所有輝煌 and all that I've won 這條路將帶我回到家鄉 when the road finally takes me home
我走在我要回家的路上 I'm going home 我走在我要回家的路上 I'm going home 我走在我要回家的路上 I'm going home