Full Menu For This Evening

來源: 浪遏飛穹 2012-01-10 17:06:17 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1901 bytes)
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What I really had for dinner tonight

Chardonnay + Grilled Lamb Chop + 炒小白菜 + special 嘎達湯 , very delicious side by side with the music menu。 I'm not really a dissert person and skipped the sweet stuff,replacing it with chopped pineapple

Appetizer - Fauré romance for violin and piano


Soup - Guitar


Wine Selection - F. CHOPIN:Nocturne No.1 Op.9



Main Course - E.GRIEG:Concert -III Tempo- H. Von KARAJAN,K. ZIMERMAN


Dissert - 阪の上の雲 Stand Alone


Locked. -AmBeliever- 給 AmBeliever 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/10/2012 postreply 17:29:40

I am going to take the Japanese dessert then. -none- 給 none 發送悄悄話 none 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/10/2012 postreply 18:00:47

回複:I am going to take the Japanese dessert then. -浪遏飛穹- 給 浪遏飛穹 發送悄悄話 浪遏飛穹 的博客首頁 (19 bytes) () 01/10/2012 postreply 18:32:46

頓感俺昨晚的西式美味大餐很大排檔 -路邊群眾- 給 路邊群眾 發送悄悄話 路邊群眾 的博客首頁 (25 bytes) () 01/11/2012 postreply 03:05:34

Music is my -浪遏飛穹- 給 浪遏飛穹 發送悄悄話 浪遏飛穹 的博客首頁 (39 bytes) () 01/10/2012 postreply 18:17:19

I thought time is your fourth deminsion. -塵埃2.0- 給 塵埃2.0 發送悄悄話 塵埃2.0 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/10/2012 postreply 18:18:55

回複:I thought time is your fourth deminsion. -浪遏飛穹- 給 浪遏飛穹 發送悄悄話 浪遏飛穹 的博客首頁 (82 bytes) () 01/10/2012 postreply 18:32:15

But don't tell your wife though:) -塵埃2.0- 給 塵埃2.0 發送悄悄話 塵埃2.0 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/10/2012 postreply 18:36:05

hehe,don't worry -none- 給 none 發送悄悄話 none 的博客首頁 (65 bytes) () 01/10/2012 postreply 19:54:22

Zhebushi flower sky wine earth youshishenma -土土妞- 給 土土妞 發送悄悄話 土土妞 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/11/2012 postreply 02:13:28

晚餐很音樂詩意, 就是喝湯的聲音太響 咚咚咚咚,持續三分二十一秒 -音樂咖啡- 給 音樂咖啡 發送悄悄話 音樂咖啡 的博客首頁 (118 bytes) () 01/11/2012 postreply 02:44:23

回複:晚餐很音樂詩意, 就是喝湯的聲音太響 咚咚咚咚,持續三分二十一秒 -none- 給 none 發送悄悄話 none 的博客首頁 (378 bytes) () 01/11/2012 postreply 16:38:52



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