愛情故事之四:Falling into U

Love is magic. I am flying just because of you.........

falling into you - celine dion
falling into you
sung by "celine dion"
and in your eyes i see ribbons of color
i see us inside of each other
i feel my unconscious merge with yours
and i hear a voice say
"what's his is hers"
i'm falling into you
this dream could come true
and it feels so good falling into you
i was afraid to let you in here
now i have learned love can't be made in fear
the walls begin to tumble down
and i can't even see the ground
i'm falling into you
this dream could come true
and it feels so good falling into you
falling like a leaf
falling like a star
finding a belief
falling where you are
catch me, don't let me drop!
love me, don't ever stop!
so close your eyes and let me kiss you
and while you sleep i will miss you
falling into you


回複:愛情故事之四:Falling into U -binxzsat- 給 binxzsat 發送悄悄話 (37 bytes) () 09/11/2004 postreply 15:01:39
