五月是一年中最美的季節,花兒剛剛開盛,春天的豔麗依然迷人,春的氣息還在濃濃的襲人心肺,剛剛去了Flower Field花園欣賞了盛開的美麗花朵。心裏忽然很失落,又一個春天即將過去,夏日就要來臨,一年當中,又有很多事情發生過,一切都如煙雲,最難過的莫過於時光的流逝…
回家的路上,靜靜的聽著這首自己最愛聽的《Can't cry hard enough》,因為這首歌的演唱者是愛爾蘭的幾位美麗少女組成的樂隊《Bellefire》,這淒美感人肺腑的聲音總是叫人歎息流淚,就似人生的酸甜五味,喜怒哀樂往往是深沉到隻需要優美淒涼的樂曲去舒發,心裏痛痛的難過!
《Bellefire》少女組合是眾多愛爾蘭音樂歌曲組合中的一支小花,她們在2002年剛出道時以演唱那首U2的《All I Wants is You》出名,最開始的四位歌手是生於1979年的Kelly Kilfeather,生於1982年的Tara Lee 和同年出生的Cathy Newell,生於1983年的Ciara Newell, 以及後來加入的第五位歌手Paula O Neill。她們的純美聲音是那樣豔麗的刻畫著我們生活中許多難忘的美好的時刻!她們的演唱風格激情,動人,給人以無限向上的情懷。
《Can't Cry Hard Enough》
I'm gonna live my life
Like every day's the last
Without a simple goodbye
It all goes by so fast
And now that you've gone
I can't cry hard enough
No, I can't cry hard enough
For you to hear me now
Gonna open my eyes
And see for the first time
I let go of you like
A child letting go of his kite
There it goes, up in the sky
There it goes, beyond the clouds
For no reason why
I can't cry hard enough
No, I can't cry hard enough
For you to hear me now
Gonna look back in vain
And see you standing there
When all that remains
Is an empty chair
And now that you've gone
I can't cry hard enough
No, I can't cry hard enough
For you to hear me now
There it goes, up in the sky
There it goes, beyond the clouds
For no reason why
I can't cry hard enough
No, I can't cry hard enough
For you to hear me now
And now that you've gone
I can't cry hard enough
No, I can't cry hard enough
For you to hear me now