Take a look, pls!

來源: nes...... 2004-08-16 13:22:31 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1243 bytes)
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回答: 回複:So cool!nes@dorma2004-08-16 12:35:46
Embed a song in web page visible as

· If there is a space, the space shall be replaced by %20

embed download song with description
Titanic Symphony (Piano), MP3
· Address = http://www.deepchill.jp/download/Track%2011.mp3
· “” around address shall not be forgettable
· Description = Titanic Symphony (Piano), MP3

Aligned to center

· Inside will be aligned to center

Black Font
【Hear Me Cry】

You also go thru the web page as:


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