【Question for Today】Luciano Pavarotti - Interview by Adela Micha
Luciano Pavarotti - Entrevista por Adela Micha 1ra Parte
Luciano Pavarotti - Interview by Adela Micha 1st Part
(選譯)我有著很外向的性格;音樂;七十來人的大家庭;喜歡intelligent女人,對男人沒興趣,我生來就是如此;我當過小學老師;voice, voice is your feeling, your brain, your will power, big part to make people happy; 戲稱小女兒是despot, tyrant, I do what she wants; no regret to say good-bye; I had a problem with my liver, they took away 75 stones in my liver, I feel good; most difficult part of saying good-bye, painful, absolutely no regret, broken heart.
Luciano Pavarotti - Entrevista por Adela Micha 2da Parte
Luciano Pavarotti - Interview by Adela Micha 2nd Part
(選譯)如果要我pick up歌劇中的性格,一種是同我一樣的性格,另一種是我在深深研究的人物性格。四個歌劇;1:01, 鄉村男孩,totally blind, faith in love, even the girl said “I don't love you”;1:55, winning the love, that is one of my characters, let's say that is “naive, very very persistent to the love”,2:00, a young dreamer, don't have any money, don't even pay a rent, 繡花女咪咪,詩人魯道夫,with four friends, on the same boat, don't have any money, in Paris, this is my debut;dreamer; 我也會做惡夢,not many people will tell you that, 我很open;I have too much humor; I enjoy the life very much, enjoy the love, my wife, my daughters, my audience, love, love for people; sing when you take shower in the morning; voice has intelligence, voice has age;successor, there are many new talents, many many many, successor don't exit; I like Mexico, and audience, they are fantastic;
帕瓦羅蒂提到的這個鄉村男孩, totally blind, faith in love, 是哪個歌劇裏的人物?名字叫什麽?
給稚雨留下最深刻印象的是,帕瓦羅蒂在另一次采訪中(找不到了,您能幫忙找出來嗎?),講述了他家鄉的意大利人民,對當今世界的“excessive progress”有著質疑。在稚雨看來,這種質疑是何等的質樸,何等的驚世駭俗。
坦克,隱形飛機,航母,核電,。。。人類已經做了太多的“excessive progress”,今天的日本地震海嘯核泄漏是對人類的一劑苦苦的催醒藥。。。
Luciano Pavarotti and Marilyn Horne as guests of Joan Sutherland in the operetta: The Bat/ Part 1
Joan Sutherland是帕瓦羅蒂的"伯樂"
★ 偉大的文藝複興和文明的結構 2006-11-23