in WXC default mode, it will diplay the codes as code. in [HTML源代碼] mode, do replacing in the order:
1. replace & by & ( if you are using uniform code with & , like space code )
2. replace < by <
3. replace > by >
in WXC default mode, it will diplay the codes as code. in [HTML源代碼] mode, do replacing in the order:
1. replace & by & ( if you are using uniform code with & , like space code )
2. replace < by <
3. replace > by >
Merci~! ~:)
(0 bytes)
01/22/2011 postreply
收入論壇幫助 (熱心網友小貼士)裏了
(0 bytes)
01/24/2011 postreply
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