it is good,remind me of

來源: yqzhu 2004-07-28 18:53:14 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (837 bytes)
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When I was in the elementary school, I liked crying.Why say that, because I falled into tears even failing to answer some questions.Once my teachers feared to ask me quesitions.
Thanks god, I was the best student in the class.
After I graduated from college, I went into a big trouble, I was depressed for almost one year.
This time, I didnot cry.
I tried hard to be not to cry,and at last , I fleed from the trouble.Because I got no choice to fight.
Do not cry , try your best to solve the problem.
I also remembered that my gf cried several times for me. and I hurted her to some extent at the same time hurting myself.
Do not cry, I used to tell my gf.But I failed to try my best during the depression. Sigh!
Then I lost my gf, and I staked all I had on nothing.
Do not cry !I will not cry!


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