
來源: yy888 2010-08-28 13:43:11 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1132 bytes)
回答: 看的我也累S了,放棄了yy8882010-08-28 11:49:21
俺最近網速一直很慢,就換package,要求最好的service,結果網速沒有上去,they are willing to give me some credit because I do not get what I paid for. So I am curious why my internet speed is so slow. After research, I understand that internet uses tower to send out the signal, the signal does not necessary cover every part of the world evenly. Some rich area requires more internet service, so the carrier will build more towers to cover the area. But some not that rich area has less tower too cover, so the signal is not that strong. There is even dead zone in the world, if you live there, you will not get internet service. That is the reason why someone can watch HD easily or some fancy video, but some will suffer. It is not that I do not have a good computer or an expensive modern, it is whether you live closer to the tower which sends out the signal. That is why we had better not to write HD code for vedio or any fancy video because a lot of people may not be able to enjoy it. When I watch your video, it stopped every two words, so I have to give it up. But thanks for providing WXC link. I like the song and save it.


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