We hold these truths to be self-evident,that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness._______The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776
值此節日之際, 特為大家網播二十首非常值得聆聽的承載理想和精神壯美的美國軍樂團的管樂精品音樂. 在此特別地問候小聲音,黎麗,園園和冰玫等快遞特別的好友們, 深謝來自你們經常的最溫馨的問候和祝福, 雖然很少上線忙碌著, 但卻在時常惦念和祝福中, 在此和你們一起歡度這裏的節日並祝福你們永遠的快樂! 也在此特別問好珊瑚好友, 感謝你溫馨的Q郵問候, 和你一起聆聽和感受在歡騰的節日裏。在此也祝所有的音樂快遞的朋友們節日快樂, 生活充實和精彩!
01 - Old Comrades
02 - Father of Victory
03 - American Patrol
04 - Colonel Bogey
05 - The Stars and Stripes Forever
06 - The Billboard
07 - Washington Post
08 - King Cotton
09 - Barnum and Bailey's Favorite
10 - The Golden Ear
11 - Hands Across the Sea
12 - March, Op. 99
13 - Valdres March
14 - Inglesina
15 - Knight*****ridge March
16 - The U.S. Field Artillery
17 - The Thunderer
18 - El Capitan
19 - On the Mall
20 - Lights Out
願生命中的每一天都是我們得以慶祝的節日! (肖蕭)