發現自己脫離流行樂壇很長時間了,(其實是自己老了,趕不上流行了)去年開始走紅的23歲紐約歌手lady gaga,
---->Playing piano by ear from the age of 4, she went on to write her first piano ballad at 13 and began
---->performing at open mike nights by age 14. At age 17, she gained early admission to the New York
---->University's Tisch School of the Arts......
---->Gaga is inspired by glam rockers such as David Bowie and Queen, as well as pop singers such as Madonna
---->and Michael Jackson.She is also inspired by fashion, which she claims is an essential component to her
---->songwriting and performances. To date she has sold over 20 million digital singles and more than four
---->million albums worldwide.---->
Poker Face
---->前不久在SNL(Saturday Night Life)看到她精湛的現場演出,想不到她能夠彈那麽好的鋼琴,真是一個非常有天賦的藝人,我所在的國家轉播不了那段演出,但是北美國家的歌迷們應該都可以看到的,這裏就隻有那這首《狗仔隊》替代了
---->---->這是一天前油管才出來的新歌《變質浪漫》,曲風是一貫的lady gaga,輕鬆活潑,朗朗上口,很容易讓人顫動腳尖。和許多歌星一樣GAGA也是一個有爭議和緋聞的歌手,可是她的天才不會因此而被淹沒,隻要是好歌,就會流傳。
Bad Romance