The ballet, often described as a "romantic reverie",was indeed the first ballet ever to be simply that. Les Sylphides has no plot, but instead consists of many white-clad sylphs dancing in the moonlight with the poet or young man dressed in white tights and a black top.
The canonic version of the ballet Les Sylphides includes:
1. Polonaise in A major (some companies substitute Prelude in A Major instead)
2. Nocturne in A flat major (Op. 32, no. 2),
3. Valse in G Flat major (Op. 70, no. 1),
4. Mazurka in D major (Op. 33, no. 2),
5. Mazurka in C major (Op. 67, no. 3),
6. Prelude in A major (Op. 28, no. 7),
7. Valse in C sharp minor (Op. 64, no. 2),
8. Grande Valse in E flat major (Op. 18, no. 1)
(From Wikipedia)
這是一部沒有戲劇情節的芭蕾舞劇,它的魅力不是在於綜合了肖邦的名曲,而是在於讓這些曲子立體化,想像化,把音樂素描下來,呈現在我們眼前。在這一段節選中我們可以欣喜地‘觀賞’到:7.肖邦升c小調圓舞曲;8. 降E大調華麗大圓舞曲,而我則是升c小調圓舞曲的飯。希望你們也和我一樣喜歡這部美不勝收的舞劇,周三快樂!