一個女人, 在你年青的時候, 想和你一起去犯錯誤. 你當時狂妄無知, 錯誤地拒絕了她. 多年以後, 當你成熟懂事, 想和她一起去犯錯誤的時候, 她已經嫁人, 從良了.
人生最大的失落, 莫過於, 用現在和將來, 去挽回過去曾經犯過的錯誤.
We've Got Tonight - Love Actually
I know its late, I know youre weary
I know your plans dont include me
Still here we are, both of us lonely
Longing for shelter from all that we see
Why should we worry, no one will care girl
Look at the stars so far away
Weve got tonight, who needs tomorrow?
Weve got tonight babe
Why don t we stay?
Deep in my soul, Ive been so lonely
All of my hopes, fading away
Ive longed for love, like everyone else does
I know Ill keep searching, after today
So there it is girl, Ive got it all now
And here we are babe, what do you say?
Weve got tonight, who needs tomorrow?
Weve got tonight babe
Why dont we stay?
I know its late, I know youre weary
I know your plans dont include me
Still here we are, both of us lonely
Both of us lonely
Weve got tonight, who needs tomorrow?
Lets make it last, lets find a way
Turn off the light, come take my hand now
Weve got tonight babe
Why dont we stay?
Weve got tonight babe
Why dont we stay?
Nice.right time, right mistake~it's all about timing.TKS!
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02/15/2009 postreply
a touching song, 但是不是該振作一下拉,老兄。
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02/15/2009 postreply
哈哈, 一看
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02/15/2009 postreply
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02/15/2009 postreply
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02/15/2009 postreply
多謝樓上各位的關心, 我寫的是電影中的人物, 我狠開心的
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02/15/2009 postreply