Ryuichi Sakamoto--Romance

--"Romance" is my favorite piece from Ryuichi Sakamoto.
it was from the album "Beauty".
the melody was from a western music piece.
below is an interview of him.

•  1919 -- Ryuichi Sakamoto 阪本龍一的 '1919'
•  Try to remember--Brothers Four
•  月半彎
•  普契尼-圖蘭朵-今夜無人入睡等3首( from 浪寬's post )
•  Tchaikovsky Violin concerto in D major


So Ryuichi Sakamoto transcribed one piece of western melody for -南極人- 給 南極人 發送悄悄話 南極人 的博客首頁 (218 bytes) () 11/05/2008 postreply 12:30:00

the time period of Debussy is also the time that -bambooseven- 給 bambooseven 發送悄悄話 bambooseven 的博客首頁 (238 bytes) () 11/05/2008 postreply 12:50:47
