
小馬王(Spirit:Stallion of the Cimarron)

  • 片長:83分鍾
  • 地區:美國
  • 語言:英語
  • 年份:2002


Screenwriter John Fusco returns to the Western themes of his previous films Young Guns and Thunderheart with this animated children's adventure from Dreamworks. Matt Damon supplies the voice of Spirit, a wild Mustang stallion living free in the Old West of the late 19th century, where he's captured by human horse traders and sold to a cavalry regiment at a frontier outpost. There, a cruel colonel (voice of ames Cromwell) nearly succeeds in breaking the willful horse, but not quite. Spirit escapes in the company of another captive, Little Creek (voice of Daniel Studi), a Native American youth that tries to possess the magnificent animal by more humane means, but Spirit refuses to bend to human will even when he makes the acquaintance of Little Creek's beautiful and fiercely loyal mare, Rain. After he saves Little Creek's life in an Army raid, Spirit believes that the gravely injured Rain has perished after a tumble over a waterfall. Despondent, the horse is captured again by humans, enslaved this time for work in a pack team on the transcontinental railroad. Undaunted by the tragedies that befall him, Spirit manages to escape for a reunion with Little Creek, Rain, and his long-lost brethren. Featuring songs by rock singer Bryan Adams, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron departs from other examples of its genre in that the horse protagonists do not speak or sing; only Spirit's voice is heard as voice-over narration. ~ Karl Williams, All Movie Guide


Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron is a technically innovative film, blending hand-drawn and computer animation with a seamlessness never approached before, but most viewers probably won't know the difference. They're more likely to notice how otherwise uninspired the film seems. The problems start with the filmmakers' decision not to have the animals talk. This was a wise choice, in some respects. As co-director Kelly A*****ury has noted, they realized early on that "the minute you have a horse speak, it's a comedy." Caroline Thompson's 1994 live-action film Black Beauty successfully told the classic story from a (non-speaking) horse's point of view. And Jean-Jacques Annaud's 1988 film The Bear also effectively used a real animal in the lead.

Matt Damon's voiceover, from the point-of-view of the horse, is used sparsely and effectively. But the animators for Spirit decided to use the unrealistic nature of the medium to make the horses more expressive. As they gesture, smile, shake their heads, raise eyebrows, and neigh, whinny, and grunt at each other (at times sounding more like Chewbacca than horses) in a recognizably human (and decidedly un-horse-like) way, one begins to wish they'd just spit it out. Despite some pleasant Old West scenery early on, the film picks up considerable steam once Spirit comes into contact with humans, and the plot kicks in. This leads to a few exciting, well-animated action sequences, particularly one involving Spirit and a team of horses being forced to drag a train engine up a hill. The film doesn't approach the heights of modern animation, and its childish simplicity, as exemplified by the insipid Bryan Adams songs on the soundtrack, may bore adults. But it is likely to keep younger children entertained. ~ Josh Ralske, All Movie Guide


  • Matt Damon - Spirit
  • James Cromwell - The Colonel
  • Daniel Studi - Little Creek

Donald Fullilove - Train Pull Foreman
Michael Horse - Little Creek's Friends
Richard McGonagle - Bill
Charles Napier - Roy
Robert Cait - Jake
Chopper Bernet - Sgt. Adams
Jeff LeBeau - Railroad Foreman/Murphy
Matthew Levin - Joe
Zahn McClarnon - Little Creek's Friends
Adam Paul - Pete
John Rubano - Soldier
Meredith Wells - Little Indian Girl


Hans Zimmer(漢斯基默)。他的名字你可能沒聽過,不過他所配樂的電影你肯定看過。簡要介紹如下:

《The Rock》 --- 《勇闖奪命島》
《Broken Arrow》 --- 《斷箭》
《The Lion King》 --- 《獅子王》
《Spirit》 --- 《小馬王》
《Toys》 --- 《玩具總動員》
《Black Hawk Down》 --- 《黑鷹降落》
《Pearl Harbor》 --- 《珍珠港》
《Hannibal》 --- 《漢尼拔》
《Gladiator》 --- 《角鬥士》
《Black Rain》 --- 《黑雨》
《Scream 2》 --- 《尖聲驚叫2》
《Mission: Impossible II》 --- 《碟中諜II》



  不用多介紹。加拿大籍搖滾歌手Bryan Adams布萊恩亞當斯譜寫過無數膾炙人口的流行搖滾樂、抒情搖滾佳作與電影主題曲。其中包括"Heaven"、"(Everything I Do) I Do It For You"、"All For Love"、"Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman"等4首排行冠軍曲,而"(Everything I Do) I Do It For You"這首為電影“俠盜王子羅賓漢”打造的主題曲更在英國締造了蟬聯16周冠軍的空前紀錄,此紀錄至今仍未被超越。他曆年專輯的全球累積銷量已經突破6000萬張。





  史比瑞特熱愛他的生活和他的家園,有一天傍晚他看到遠處有一堆火,於是前往查看,在那兒他遇到一群馴馬夫,這是他第一次見到人類。這群馴馬夫立刻上前追捕史比瑞特,他被抓到後被賣給騎兵隊,他們試圖馴服他,並且把他訓練成戰馬。   後來一名叫小溪的印第安小男孩幫助史比瑞特脫逃後,把他帶回他的部落,史比瑞特在那兒愛上一匹斑紋母馬小雨。史比瑞特第一次感到內心掙紮,他不知道是該回到家鄉,還是留下來陪小雨。當小溪察覺到這兩匹小馬之間的愛意,他就知道他們應該一起回到史比瑞特的家鄉。

  但是他們沒走多遠就聽到一陣騷動,騎兵隊出兵攻擊小溪的印第安部落,於是他們立刻折返回去,當一聲 槍聲響起 時小雨正好奔向小溪,替他擋了一槍。這時騎兵隊再度捕捉到史比瑞特,而身受重傷的小雨則孤孤單單地被留下來。   史比瑞特的心都碎了,他不但失去了小雨,更糟的是,他被送到一個小鎮,被迫加入當地的馬群,他們必須一起拉著沉重的火車越過山頭,好讓鐵路工人鋪上鐵軌。



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