今天法國年輕歌手Grégory Lemarchal離開人世一周年
Grégory Lemarchal , 曾是法國的著名年輕男歌星,2004年 法國Star Academy (星光大道, 相當於pop idol)的獲勝者,但出生後20個月時被診斷患有一種遺傳性不治之症:包囊性纖維增生(cystic fibrosis),主要侵襲呼吸係統和消化係統,最多能存活到20或30多歲, 多發生在歐洲人群,在美國此病發生率約1 in 3900 。 患有此病的個人和家人是很不幸,然而Grégory 也是幸運的,上帝賦予他一“天使般的歌喉”。
Grégory 和家人都知道他的生命是很短暫的,但這一點也不影響他和正常的孩子一樣去熱愛生活,去享受生活,在學校踢球,唱歌等等,隻是他必須常往醫院跑。在家人和朋友的鼓勵下,他去參加Star Academy 的選拔,最終以他的歌唱才能,勤奮和頑強獲勝,在他的歌聲中我們總能感受到一些Extra, 歌聲之外的閃爍。
獲勝後他出了一些CD,有些不盡人意,然而大家卻不知道,那些時候他正在跟疾病和死亡的惡魔較量。去世前的一個月的某一天,他在女友陪同下還有說有笑地前往醫院例行定期檢查,誰知一進去就再沒能活著走出來了。。。在臨滿24歲的前14天(2007年4月30日)歌唱王子撒手人間,消息傳來,舉國震驚。。。, 之前大家都不知道他患有這樣嚴重的不治之症。
Grégory Lemarchal SOS d'un terrien en detresse (救救疲憊的大地)(05-11-2004 )
一直都喜歡他的歌,去年在法國鄉下度假,離Grégory 的家鄉不遠,我們專程去他的墓地看他。那是一個典型的法國鄉村,依山旁水非常安靜,想找人問路都找不到,差一點誤闖別人的家園造成誤會, 最後碰上一群法國人,有老有少,一問他們也是來看Grégory 的,是兩家親戚,一家是本地的,另一家是外地的。二話沒說,一同前往,一路上那位熱情的太太深情地給我們介紹Grégory 葬禮的情形, 催人淚下。Grégory 所在的墓地都像個小公園,乳白色調,種了許多白玫瑰, 很陽光,沒有一絲恐怖,如果是晴朗的白天,讓我一人呆在那,我也不會怕。Grégory 的墓地都成了這的旅遊景點了,足可以知道他在法國人心目中的地位。
他的音域非常寬廣,當您聽到這天使般的歌聲,您很難想象,這歌聲竟來自一位身患絕症的青年,每次演出之前,都要做充分的醫療方麵的準備。現在再重聽他的歌, 從他的歌聲中都能感到一個虛弱但又堅強的生命在顫抖。。。當我靜靜駐足在他的墓前,又想起當年他在Star Academy 決賽的情景,他的一曲Edith Piaf 的《L'hymn d'amour 愛的讚歌》簡直征服了整個法國,也讓我的心在流淚。。。而此時此刻, 我們心中那位歌唱王子卻已先行而去,靜靜地躺在這冷冰冰的墓下 , 在另一個世界,溫暖嗎?這一切的一切能不讓我感歎:生命你怎麽是如此的美麗而脆弱?? 生和死為什麽就僅僅一念之差??渺小的我們無法左右的,隻能聽從命運,親愛的上帝,我們到底能做什麽??能做什麽?。。。
S.O.S. d'un terrien en détresse 救救疲憊的大地
Paroles: Luc Plamondon. Musique: Michel berger 1978
Titre original: "Daniel Balavoine"
autres interprètes: Bruno Pelletier
Pourquoi je vis, pourquoi je meurs
Pourquoi je ris, pourquoi je pleure
Voici le S.O.S
D'un terrien en détresse
J'ai jamais eu les pieds sur Terre
J'aim'rais mieux être un oiseau
J'suis mal dans ma peau
J'voudrais voir le monde à l'envers
Si jamais c'était plus beau
Plus beau vu d'en haut
D'en haut
J'ai toujours confondu la vie
Avec les bandes dessinées
J'ai comme des envies de métamorphose
Je sens quelque chose
Qui m'attire
Qui m'attire
Qui m'attire vers le haut
Au grand loto de l'univers
J'ai pas tiré l'bon numéro
J'suis mal dans ma peau
J'ai pas envie d'être un robot
Métro boulot dodo
Pourquoi je vis, pourquoi je meurs
Pourquoi je crie, pourquoi je pleure
Je crois capter des ondes
Venues d'un autre monde
J'ai jamais eu les pieds sur Terre
J'aim'rais mieux être un oiseau
J'suis mal dans ma peau
J'voudrais voir le monde à l'envers
J'aim'rais mieux être un oiseau
Dodo l'enfant do
Grégory Jean-Paul Lemarchal (May 13, 1983 – April 30, 2007) was a French singer and winner of the fourth series of the reality TV programme Star Academy, broadcasted on the TF1 television network.
Grégory was born in La Tronche, and raised near Chambéry, as the first child of mother Laurence and father Pierre Lemarchal, with a sister Leslie. At twenty months of age, he was diagnosed with the hereditary disease cystic fibrosis.
In 1995, he became France's champion of acrobatic rock.
In 1998, he unsuccessfully participated in the show "Graines de stars", but became a local star.
Through a friend, in mid-June of 2004, Lemarchal was contacted by the producers of Star Academy in Paris who needed one more male singer for the show. On December 22, Lemarchal was announced the winner, with 80% of the total vote, an unmatched score.
His debut single, "Ecris l'histoire" peaked at number two on the French singles chart in March 2005 and was certified platinum. His album, "Je deviens moi", released on April 18, entered at number one.
At the NRJ Music Awards in January 2006, Lemarchal was awarded "breakthrough artist of the year" ("Révélation francophone de l'année"). In the spring, he completed his first solo nationwide tour, and a DVD of his performance at the Olympia was released. A new French duet version of the British singer Lucie Silvas' hit single "What You're Made Of" went to number two in the singles chart.
In 2007, Lemarchal announced that his health was deteriorating and that he was ordered by doctors to take a few months off in order to recuperate. However, he died of complications from cystic fibrosis on the morning of April 30, 2007, waiting for an organ transplant.
The story was in the news headlines all week and five thousand fans went to Chambery to lay flowers on the day of his funeral. On May 4, a special television programme was broadcast on TF1 to commemorate his life, and its 10.5 million viewers were asked to donate money to help progress research into finding a cure. So far more than 7.5 million euros have been raised.
Since his death, Gregory and mourning girlfriend Karine have been featured in a wide number of tabloid stories. A posthumous album was released, and controversy has raised on whether he would have wanted the songs featured in it to surface or not. Record company Universal Music Group France has also been accused of cashing-in the renewed interest in his work that followed his passing.
On December 28, 2007, Star Academy 7 had a Gregory tribute titled "La voix d'un ange" (the voice of an angel). It raised over 5 million euros for the foundation of Gregory Lemarchal "vaincre la mucoviscidose".
Grégory's family founded Association Grégory Lemarchal, an organization dedicated to improving the quality of life of people and the families of people with cystic fibrosis, on June 7, 2007, a month after Grégory's death. The organization assists in information outreach, scientific research and combating negative public perception and discrimination of people with cystic fibrosis.[1]
- Je deviens moi (2005), #1 FR, #20 SUI SALES: 550.000 copies
- Olympia 06 (2006), #4 FR, #9 BEL, #42 SUI SALES: 125.000 copies
- La voix d'un ange (2007), #1 FR, #1 BEL, #6 SUI, #3 WORLD SALES: 700,000 (France- 3x Platinum), 10,000 (Switzerland- Gold), 50,000 (Belgium- Platinum)
[edit] Singles
- "Écris l'histoire" (2005), #2 FR, #18 SUI
- "Je suis en vie" (2005), #17 FR, #40 SUI
- "À corps perdu" (2005)
- "Même si (What you're made of)" (duet with Lucie Silvas) (2006), #2 FR, #26 SUI
- "Le feu sur les planches" (2006)
- "SOS d'un terrien en détresse" (2007), #28 SUI
- "De temps en temps" (2007), #1 FR, #10 SUI, #33 WORLD
- "Le lien" (2007)
- "Restons Amis" (April 21, 2008)
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