滿文軍-讓你的天空最美 詞:馮可 曲:潘慧強 我的誓言被風撕碎 像散落遍地的雨水 犯過的錯又怎麽去追 無法麵對你的眼淚 像丟了花瓣的玫瑰 孤孤單單地沒人陪 感情裏錯誤沒有絕對 我不能眼看愛情枯萎 所以我甘心背負所有罪 不在乎無路可退 多想與你一生相隨 多想給你所有安慰 多想陪你哭陪你醉陪你累 隻要讓你不再憔悴 多想再次真心相對 讓你忘掉孤單滋味 忘掉所有苦所有累所有悲 我會讓你的天空最美 A single tear Is all it takes To show someone you're happy. A single tear Is all it takes To show someone you're sad. You may be Surrounded in beauty, But the single tear Rolling down your Cheek, onto the velvet, Is all it takes To let someone know of All of your grief and pain. That single tear Can torture the soul To its Death. That one, single tear Falls, Falls, Falls Down to the deepest Death. 犯過的錯該怎樣去賠