寒江雪 & 小聲音生日快樂!-------遲到的祝福(10-16-2007)

回答: 回憶書童當班長的日子青蛙-2008-02-28 19:25:33


Close01.Song For Sienna

Close02.Lavender Hills

Close03.Crimson Sky

Close04.The Secret Letter

Close05.Eclipse Of The Moon

Close06.Midnight Blue

Close07.The Garden Gate

Close08.At First Light

Close09.Season Of Joy

Close10.Tears In The Foutain

Close11.Song For The Heart

Close12.After Sunset


Brian Crain -《錫耶納》(Sienna)[MP3!]





專輯歌手:Brian Crain



本專輯《Sienna》(錫耶納)是Brian Crain在2004年的較新作品,包含了12首唯美的鋼琴音樂。整張專輯描寫了Sienna的秀美風光,許多音樂值得一聽,其中推薦第一首“Song For Sienna”。

Brian 的CD已經賣出了幾十萬張,其中許多是和Yanni、Enya、Jim Brickman、George Winston等的CD一起在亞洲成套發行的。2001年,他第十二次來到韓國進行旅行演出。他現在也經常出現在漢城的午夜訪談節目現場。現在,他正計劃 2004年的漢城旅行演出,並繼續到中國、然後美國旅行演出。


Brian was born in Hollywood, California. He has been composing music as long as he can remember. Family members tell him that when he was very young he began whistling nearly all the time. When someone would ask what he was whistling, Brian would usually answer something like, "I don't know. I just made it up."

He was only six years old when his parents bought a baby grand piano, thinking that Brian's musical talents could use a more polished medium. But Brian continued to whistle his songs. He was not drawn to the keyboard.

When he was ten years old, Brian began taking piano lessons, but he soon became bored with the lessons. Besides, the piano took time away from his new passion, baseball. So he gave up the piano. His need to compose, however, would not be stopped. His friends would often hear him whistling his newest compositions during practice or games on the baseball diamond. At this young age, Brian was dreaming of becoming a professional baseball player while whistling his own songs.

When Brian was fifteen years old he began editing award-winning educational films. While he was still a teenager, he began doing sound on Hollywood films. At nineteen years of age, he built his own sound studio to complete the first feature-length film in Hollywood to be finished in R-DAT digital audio. Some of his technical innovations in post-production sound became standard Hollywood practice.

During this time Brian would occasionally sit down at that nearly forgotten piano. He would improvise at the keyboard, just as he had always improvised with his whistling, playing with the notes until something started sounding just right. He was, without realizing it, teaching himself to play the piano.

Also without intending to do it, Brian was training himself to compose at the piano. By his early twenties, he was composing songs for award-winning children's films. He was also still nurturing his dream of playing professional baseball, but after unsuccessful tryouts with professional teams, he sadly let that dream slip away.

It was during this time that his family suggested he record his personal piano works and release them on CD. He had never seriously considered recording for CD release, but when he recorded the first album, it was so well received that he now spends all his time composing and recording his own works. He continues to be encouraged by loyal fans who frequently tell him that his music has changed their lives. Now he jokes that the best thing that ever happened to him was not becoming a professional baseball player.

Brian's compositions Butterfly Waltz, Northern Lights, A Walk in the Forest and Lavender Hills are used as theme music and background music for television dramas and commercials in Asia. The use of Brian's music in this fashion has made him very popular in all of Asia.

In 2005 Brian composed his first two symphonies, entitled Spring Symphonies, which were recorded with the Czech Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra. Brian debuted these symphonies with the Dakota Symphony Orchestra on Oct 8th 2005. He also performs regular piano concerts in Asia and the U.S. and is currently working on his eleventh album.

Despite all the success Brian has enjoyed because of his many wonderful and loyal fans, he still lives a simple life.

