
回答: 回憶書童當班長的日子青蛙-2008-02-28 19:25:33


Close01.Kindred Spirits

Close02.Gliding Moon

Close03.White Dove

Close04.Light Motif

Close05.Nner Vision

Close06.April Breeze

Close07.Fly Away

Close08.Lantern Light

Close09.Night Bird Song

Close10.Autumn's Echo

Close11.Mountain Meadow

Close12.Night Sky

Close13.Dancing By Starlight

Close14.Innocent Heart

Close15.Butterfly Waltz

Close16.Nothern Lights

Close17.A Walk In The Forest


brian crain -《旋律魅力》(Inside The Melody)[MP3!]


英文名稱:Inside The Melody



專輯歌手:brian crain



本專輯《Inside The Melody》(旋律魅力)是Brian Crain在2002年的作品。他的唯美鋼琴、輕柔的鋼琴,非常有感覺,洗滌心靈。有人在形容聽到Brian Crain演奏的鋼琴曲子後有這樣的感覺:“就好象漫天輕柔雪花在舞蹈,它們來自天堂,純潔無瑕的籠罩著周圍的世界。”而聽他的音樂給我有種衝動想喝杯咖啡,放下所有的事,靜靜的在音樂的撫慰下旋轉和跳躍……。

現在,Brian的CD已經賣出了幾十萬張,其中許多是和Yanni、 Enya、Jim Brickman、George Winston等的CD一起在亞洲成套發行的。2001年,他第十二次來到南朝鮮進行旅行演出。他現在也經常出現在漢城的午夜訪談節目現場。現在,他正計劃2004年的漢城旅行演出,並繼續到中國、然後美國旅行演出。盡管他很享受精彩演出和忠實樂迷帶來的成功,但他仍然過著樸素的生活。

Brian Crain and the Soul of MusicEvery once in a while we are touched very deeply by beauty. Very rarely though have I found that rare music that is as inspiring and soothing as it is simple yet elegant, profoundly beautiful yet powerful. The compositions of Brian Crain are very special. I suspect that like other great works of the soul, they will live on for many years to come.After the death in January of my son Josh I was being crushed by an unimaginable deep sadness. Then one day I happened upon the long forgotten CDs and for some reason listened to them in their entirety. The music nearly overwhelmed me. The beauty of the music helped soften the sadness and was an incalculable comfort. I think this is the effect of the beauty that God has given the soul of one human to provide to the heart of another.Brian Crain is a young man with a wife and two small daughters from Hayden Lake, Idaho. He was born in Hollywood, California and grew up around the movie business that his father worked in. In his teens he was editing award winning movies. Then at the suggestion of his parents he recorded a grouping of his own compositions. The rest is as they say, history.He has gone on to become a star in South Korea were his first recording was promoted and he toured extensively. Now he is working to build a U.S. base of support with Bismarck being one of his favorite places to visit and make music. Visiting will allow you enjoy his special sound because you can download and enjoy numerous mp3 sample recordings. With a unique approach of personalized marketing and concerts he is slowly and methodically building for his future musical endeavors without the big music industry labels.When I asked him what questions he is never asked when interviewed that he would like to answer he responded with, "What are your future goals?", and his answer was "I'm always striving for a balance between my music career and my family life. I have two young daughters and want to spend as much time with them as I can. I know I only get one chance to see every moment of their life. Before I know it they'll be in college. I also want to write many more compositions and perform them for my fans. I don't desire fame, but in this business fame equals ticket sales." He also told me that, "My favorite song is the first song from my new album "Sienna." It's called "Song for Sienna" and it was written for my two year old daughter, Sienna."When the great Italian violinist Pagannini was about to perform once, he found that his prized violin had been stolen right before the show and replaced with one of much less quality. He had no choice but to play the inferior instrument. "Ladies and Gentlemen," he said, "I will now demonstrate to you that the music is not in the instrument but comes from the soul". To the amazement and joy of his audience they then understood as he played, giving them a glimpse of his soul.

