回憶之緣起 (圖)

剛來美國,有次在Havard Square閑逛,不經意的越來越遠離了喧鬧的人群。有點累。正好路邊有一家小咖啡館。 天色漸暗,咖啡館裏燈光柔和,三五個顧客閑散的落座,一邊看書聊天,一邊啜飲咖啡。 我就是在這個時候第一次聽見了這首曲子。 很久後在學校一個小團體的幾個朋友的聚會上,突然這首曲子從人聲中滲透進來。心裏猛然間覺得溫暖,我一下子就想起了才來美國的時候,那個不起眼的小咖啡店,昏黃的燈光,窗外蕭瑟的深秋,店裏閑散的人。 我因此特別注意了一下聚會的發起人,一個叫JASON的小孩。他和我同時進校,我習題課班上的學生。逐漸熟悉,直到熟悉得象這首歌一樣。 演唱者是波士頓地區當地出產的JAZZ團隊,他們的名字是老早波士頓一家糖果廠生產糖果的牌子名字。 Low Down Man Squirrel Nut Zippers That low down man of mine Mistreats me all the time He sez he loves me only Then turns around and leaves me sad and lonely If he could see through my eyes And be the one who cries He would see He would never be That low down man of mine That low down man with his low down ways I know he'll go some day I wait till then the story's ending It wont be long But from now on If he could see through my eyes And be the one who cries He would see He would never be That low down man of mine If he could see through my eyes And be the one who cries He would see He'd come back to me That low down man


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