寫給我們自己, “花樣年華”梁朝偉 吳恩琪

來源: 思想者無畏 2007-12-21 06:00:48 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1339 bytes)

孤獨也是一種浪漫, only if you can manage to take and enjoy it as a life style.

出家, 僧俗“把宗教石窟當作現實生活的花朵、人間苦難的聖地,把一切美妙的想望、無數悲傷的歎息、慰安的紙花、輕柔的夢境,統統在這裏放下,努力忘卻現實中的一切不公平、不合理”。

Again, can you manage to take and enjoy it as a life style? Besides, it is a long admission process in a famous Chinese Temple in US, I visited a while ago. I was surprised to see some familiar faces , just like yours and mine, sad or not sad?

愛不是罪過吧? 清官難斷家務事, even in ancient China.

愛不是罪過, 但可能是雙刃劍 , 小心就是了

郭蘭英, 玩的心跳, 自作自受.

情感是水, 藝術玩水衝浪, 走水入魔, 不然不是藝術 , 要玩的心跳 , both performer and audience;

Where to draw the line? No body knows.

還是愛玩的時候 , 去中國歌劇院, 看見一個其貌不揚的男人 , 蹲在地上 , 孤島something…人說是郭蘭英前夫 , 剛離婚.

該男人歌劇院二胡獨奏, 台上生情 , 台下情斷;

He later got a “better” deal, married one of郭蘭英’s students, 一個 山東姑娘 , 挺好看, 還會唱歌 , 不久 有了身孕. Haha.


Bro.are you a journalist? U know a lots of these gossips. -TyHongAu- 給 TyHongAu 發送悄悄話 TyHongAu 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 12/21/2007 postreply 08:35:43

ty,it should be plural form-brothers, got it? -getrutte- 給 getrutte 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 12/21/2007 postreply 08:48:34

Not really. U mean 同誌. -TyHongAu- 給 TyHongAu 發送悄悄話 TyHongAu 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 12/21/2007 postreply 08:57:01

the difference between english and Chinglish, wel -getrutte- 給 getrutte 發送悄悄話 (44 bytes) () 12/21/2007 postreply 09:22:12



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