Greetings! 奧依斯特拉赫 was another

來源: techtest 2004-03-22 09:09:05 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (506 bytes)
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great violinist in last century in my opinion. Thank you so much for posting 奧依斯特拉赫's works. Fist time heard 奧氏演奏的聖桑的影子和回旋曲, The "King of Violin” indeed "極具色彩". 海菲茲的技巧, 音準的確無出其右; 奧依斯特拉赫的氣勢, 釋拴也是難望項背.
I have both downloaded mp3 version of 海菲茲的 “霍拉舞曲” and “聖桑的影子和回旋曲”from internet, the problem is don’t know how to upload. If someone can tell me how, will try it.

Sorry for the English, no Chinese input here.


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