看風景: if you compare this w Pavarotti's 1972 studio

本文內容已被 [ weston ] 在 2007-09-14 13:30:16 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

recording, yes, Yang is far off. But compared with maestro's famous 1969's live performance, you'd come away thinking this actually stands pretty well.
Clearly his french is not good, but his is better than
Dai YuQiang's italian dictation.
I agree that his stage demeanor is awkard. But then again, if you watch Pavarotti's in his 20's, he wasnt much an actor either.

This guy should study w a great teacher like Bergonzi, then he will have a real good future! Quality tenors are so few these days, artist agencies are searching all over for the next great one(s). I think some of the chinese tenors are very gifted, but need good training in the artistry.

Opera singing is the most challenging performance art form, it requires skills in several dimensions. But if you're good, you are a household name.

Thanks everyone for commenting.

