
    Soul Meets Body/Death Cab for Cutie I want to live where soul meets body 我渴望生活在靈魂與肉體的交叉點 And let the sun wrap its arms around me 讓太陽伸展雙手來擁抱我 And bathe my skin in water cool and cleansing 用清涼的水來洗刷我的皮膚 And feel, feel what its like to be new 感受,感受新鮮的情懷 Cause in my head there's a greyhound station 因為在我腦海裏有個車站 Where I send my thoughts to far off destinations 可以把思想送到很遠的終點 So they may have a chance of finding a place 讓它們有機會尋找一個 Where they're far more suited than here 比這裏更適合的地方 I cannot guess what we'll discover 猜不出會發現什麽 We turn the dirt with our palms cupped like shovels 我們可以用手去挖掘土地 But I know our filthy hands can wash one another's 髒了的手可以互相洗去 And not one speck will remain 所有的汙點 I do believe it's true 我相信這是真的 That there are roads left in both of our shoes 我們鞋子裏依然有可走的路途 If the silence takes you 如果沉默把你帶走 Then I hope it takes me too 就希望它也把我帶走 So brown eyes I hold you near 黑眼睛我緊緊抱住你 Cause you're the only song I want to hear 因為你是我唯一想聽到的歌曲 A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere 音符輕輕飄過我的空間 Where soul meets body 靈魂與肉體的交叉點 Where soul meets body 靈魂與肉體的交叉點 Where soul meets body 靈魂與肉體的交叉點 (貼貼玩)


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