Alive With Enthusiasm What would it take to get you bubbling with enthusiasm about this day? What would it take to make you positively excited about all the possibilities available to you? Think about it, and as you do, those thoughts will give birth to a very real and undeniable enthusiasm within you. Enthusiasm lives and grows and makes its presence felt in your mind, so by all means welcome it to come in and let it stay. What happens when you have real excitement and enthusiasm for who you are, for what you're doing, for the positive possibilities in life? You find a way to enthusiastically make the best of those possibilities real. Start by putting a great big, sincere smile on your face. That will do amazing things to your level of enthusiasm. Sure it sounds simple and silly, but there's one important thing to remember. It works. Get up, get excited, get enthusiastic about this day, about your life, about the possibilities. And you'll soon have plenty of undeniable reasons to be truly excited. -- Ralph Marston |
每日一曲337: 〖在雲之顛〗
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03/12/2004 postreply
家鄉的音樂, 多謝了
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03/13/2004 postreply
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03/13/2004 postreply
回複:每日一曲337: 〖在雲之顛〗
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12/22/2004 postreply
回複:回複:每日一曲337: 〖在雲之顛〗
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12/22/2004 postreply
回複:每日一曲337: 〖在雲之顛〗
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12/22/2004 postreply