Save the Frogs, Save the World--送給青蛙


Do you have a picture in your mind that in your childhood you were standing beside a beautiful and clear lake looking at groups of tadpoles and you knew the spring is coming. Spring after spring, you watch them fewer and fewer. And we do not know since when, they are not there partying the coming of the spring any more.

In many parts of the world, there is a suspicion that frogs are not as common as people remember them to be. Some species have not been seen for decades. The vanishing of the frogs is starting drawing attention.

So, why are the frogs vanishing?

1. they have moist, permeable skin which helps them absorb oxygen and water. But it also absorbs more harmful pollutants than other creatures.

2. No hair or feathers makes swimming easier. Also means no protection from UV radiation.

3. Eggs have no hard shell.Makes delicate embryos vulnerable to pollution and UV radiation

4. Double lives mean many live on land and in the water. Exposed to stresses on both land and in water.

To find the solution, we have to know the causes. The following suspects might be the cause of these environment changes.

Frogs, and all amphibians, may be sensitive indicators of water quality because they absorb gases and chemicals directly through the skin. Vanishing frogs could be an early warning of serious problems in the environment.

Habitat destruction

There are somethin' like 6 billion people in the world with three more babies born every second. Too bad the victim of this wild growth is the environment. We've lost over half the natural wetland in the United States alone.

Acid rain

These rains can make small lakes, streams, and wetlands more acidic and a whole lot less hospitable for wildlife. One study found that even slightly acidic conditions may deform or kill tadpoles.


Frogs absorb water through their skin. If that water is polluted, those chemicals are absorbed as well. Frog eggs are the same way. Studies have shown some pesticides (like the mosquito control chemical Methoprene) cause mutations or death in tadpoles and other amphibians in the lab.

Ozone depletion

The ozone layer that protects earth and all of us from harmful ultraviolet-B rays (UV-B). The ozone layer has been broken down by man-made junk like CFCs.

Frogs have moist, porous skin and eggs with no hard shells--little protection from harmful UV rays.Many declining frog populations are found in mountain habitats (closer to the rays).


Like frog legs? While the harvest of frogs may not be as big as, say, salmon it is a world-wide industry. Frogs are also gathered and dried for use as medicines and collected as pets, research subjects and bait. The population of California red-legged frogs nearly collapsed due to the high demand for frog legs.

When you cut the legs off a frogs--it dies.

Exotic and introduced species

Pollution isn't the only thing we humans release into the environment. We are also responsible for a bunch of misplaced plant and animal species. Some are intentional, like bullfrogs in California, trout in western streams, and the marine toad in Australia. Some are not, riding on bundles of fruit, on ships, or escaping captivity.

Global Warming

Increasing the temperature of the earth even by a few degrees can change weather patterns and rainfall. Almost seems more like a clue than a suspect.

If the frogs are in trouble , are we far behind?

Here are the solutions to save the frogs:

Promote the preservation of natural habitats for wildlife.

Limit your use of chemicals such as pesticides and weed killers.

Dispose of hazardous wastes safely. Don't dump them into your community´s water system--a frog's home is downstream.

Make sure your air conditioner doesn't leak freon. When released, this gas damages the ozone layer.

Please don't dump unwanted pet fishes, turtles, or frogs in local ponds. They can carry disease or prey on native species.

Write your local representatives and tell them not to weaken the Endangered Species Act.

Do them today, save the frogs, save the world, save ourselves!
