回複:If you can wait,I will find it and put online tomorrow.


01 祝你生日快樂 Happy Birthday To You
02 楊基•杜德雨 Yankee Dooclle
03 哎喲媽媽 Oh Mother
04 劃船歌 Delimits The Ship Song
05 莫斯科郊外的晚上 A Night At Moscow Suburb
06 聖母頌 Mary Praises
07 北國之春 Spring North
08 賣花姑娘 Sells The Hoyden
09 雪絨花 Edelweis
10 桑塔•露琪亞 Santa Lucia
11 搖籃曲 Cradle Tune
12 紅河穀 Red River Valley
13 紅莓花兒開 The Raspberry is Flowering

