小歌手簡介及部分歌詞, 音樂連接:

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01. Tevin Campbell-Tomorrow

Tevin Campbell 的歌唱才華是與身俱來的。1989年,音樂大師Quincy Jones 極為欣賞12歲Tevin 的清亮且極富靈魂的歌聲,因此邀請Tevin 加入他的專輯《Back on The Block》,當時很多人認為,這個機會應該是保留給Michael Jackson 的呢﹗因此他便以12歲的稚齡一鳴驚人,造就了他的首支冠軍單曲《Tomorrow (A Better You, Better Me)》。

02.Billy Gilman-Spend Another Night

Billy Gilman 的歌聲很清澈高亢,情感豐沛圓潤,有著其他流行童聲歌手沒有的厚實度,聆聽他的歌聲,你將會感到溫暖和喜悅。首張專輯《One Voice》讓Billy Gilman 得到了美國“Billboard”告示牌四項大獎及全美音樂獎和格萊美獎的提名,更是讓Billy Gilman 奠定了他在鄉村童聲中無可撼動的地位。《Spend Another Night》的高音,《One Voice》的純潔,都是多麼的讓人激動呀。其實許多人認為Billy Gilman 的聲音最完美的階段是在2001年,變聲以前的時候。那時侯的他已經很好的把握了唱歌的技巧了,《Our First Kiss》中真假聲的轉換,《Some Things I Know》能夠唱得讓你有想要抬頭看星星的欲望,我無法想象誰還能把這些歌曲演繹得更好﹖

03 Stevie Brock-All for Love

Stevie Brock 是美國新進的流行樂少男偶像歌手,穩健的台風,成熟的演唱技巧,迷倒了美國不少的少男少女。雖然他獲得的獎項大多是和外在有關的,但他在音樂上也是很有才華。從8歲開始,他就自己創作歌曲。他有著不錯的音質和良好的節奏感,尤其擅長演唱輕快節奏的曲風。本專輯收錄了他的首張專輯的主打歌《All for Love》以及體現出他特殊演唱技巧的《I Found You》。

You no girl, my heart goes out to you
Hear me out now, cuz it's all for love

I'm so glad you're my girl
I'll do anything for you
Call you every night
And give you flowers, too
I thank the Lord for you
And think about you all the time
I ask Him everyday
That you'll forever be mine

I wanna hold your hand
To show you I'll be there
I like to do the things
That let to know I care
I sing this lullaby
'Cause girl you fill me full
I look into your eyes
You're so beautiful

Oh girl I think I love ya
I'm always thinkin' of ya
I want you to know I'd do it all for love
I love it when we're together
Girl I need you forever
And want you to know I do it all for love

I will never leave you, Sugar
This I guarantee
I look into the future
I see you and me
Knight in shining armor
I will be your fairy tale
I wanna take care of you
Girl, I'll serve you well.

I will be there for you
To catch you when you fall
I'll hold you in my arms
That's where you belong
I sing this lullaby
'Cause girl you fill me full
I look into your eyes
You're so beautiful...beautiful...yeah!

Oh girl I think I love ya
I'm always thinkin' of ya
I want you to know I'd do it all for love
I love it when we're together
Girl I need you forever
And want you to know I do it all for love

[speaking part]
Yo-Come here, sweetheart
I want you to know something all right
See everyday in my life without you
Would be like a hundred years
The distance between us
An ocean of tears
See all the things I do for you
Are for love-- dig it

All for lovin' (all for love)
All for you (you, you, you)
All for lovin' you (you)

Oh girl I think I love ya
I'm always thinkin' of ya
I want you to know I'd do it all for love
I love it when we're together
Girl I need you forever
And want you to know I do it all for love

04.Chloe Agnew-Someday

Chloe Agnew 擁有乾淨清淨而清亮的嗓音,但是最令人驚奇的是,年紀輕輕的她,感受度卻出奇敏銳,詮釋歌曲的方式竟是如此真摯細膩,清新甜美的歌聲在起之中流露出豐富的情感,聽到她的嗓音,像是聽到希望般,令人感到一種溫柔的力量,將聽者的心逐漸融化。《Someday》、《To Where You Are》溫柔而飽滿的音色,偶爾低吟偶爾高亢,聲音如光絲與春溪般地輕躍著,一一展露出她自然而不做作的嗓音。

05 Billy Gilman - One Voice

Billy Gilman 的歌聲很清澈高亢,情感豐沛圓潤,有著其他流行童聲歌手沒有的厚實度,聆聽他的歌聲,你將會感到溫暖和喜悅。首張專輯《One Voice》讓Billy Gilman 得到了美國“Billboard”告示牌四項大獎及全美音樂獎和格萊美獎的提名,更是讓Billy Gilman 奠定了他在鄉村童聲中無可撼動的地位。《Spend Another Night》的高音,《One Voice》的純潔,都是多麼的讓人激動呀。其實許多人認為Billy Gilman 的聲音最完美的階段是在2001年,變聲以前的時候。那時侯的他已經很好的把握了唱歌的技巧了,《Our First Kiss》中真假聲的轉換,《Some Things I Know》能夠唱得讓你有想要抬頭看星星的欲望,我無法想象誰還能把這些歌曲演繹得更好﹖

Some kids have and some kids don't
And some of us are wondering why.
And Mom won't watch the news at night
There's too much stuff (that's) making her cry.
We need some help
Down here on earth
A thousand prayers, a million words
But one voice was heard.
A house, a yard, a neighborhood
Where you can ride your new bike to school.
A kind of world where mom and dad
Still believe the golden rule
Life's not that simple
Down here on earth.
A thousand prayers, a million words
But one voice was heard.
One voice, one simple word
Hearts know what to say.
One Dream can change the world
Keep believing 'till you find your way.
Yesterday while walking home
I saw some kid on Newbury Road
He pulled a pistol from his bag
and tossed it in the river below
Thanks for the help
down here on earth
a thousand prayers a million words
but one voice was heard
one voice was heard
one voice was heard

06 .Charlotte Church-Bridge Over Troubled Water

1998年英國出現了這這位當時年僅12歲,史上年紀最輕,橫跨流行與古典榜的天才歌手Charlotte Church ﹗她一次公開的卡拉OK歌唱比賽獻聲,她天生的一副好歌喉和甜美純真的外表立即引起極大的轟動,如此的出道過程在古典音樂界更算是史上破天荒頭一遭﹗你以為你會聽到一個稚氣的聲音,台風穩健地模仿大人唱歌嗎﹖不,那不是天真而充滿自信的Charlotte 的歌聲,她擁有和所有成熟女高音一樣的發音技巧,卻絕對隻唱她自己有感覺的音樂,她的聲音來自她體內一處與感情共鳴的底層,那是隻有神童才能觸及的領域。這次收錄了她的《Bridge Over Troubled Water》,以及與Billy Gilman 合作的《Dream a Dream》。她已經有全球銷量破千萬張的佳績,誰也不知道,她將來將會達到一個怎樣的高度。

When you're weary feelin' small
When tears are in your eyes
I'll dry them all
I'm on your side
Oh, when times get rough

And friends just can't be found
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down

When you're down and out
When you're on the street
when evening falls so hard
I will comfort you
I'll take your part
Oh, when darkness comes
And pain is all around
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down

Sail on silver girl
Sail on by
Your time has come to shine
All your dreams are on their way
See how they shine
Oh, if you need a friend

I'm sailing right behind
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind




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