Loreena McKennett 演唱的 Green Sleeves

來源: 雲深不知處 2007-03-10 14:30:31 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2729 bytes)
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Green Sleeves

我思斷腸,伊人不臧 Alas my love, you do me wrong
  棄我遠去,抑鬱難當 To cast me off discourteously
  我心相屬,日久月長 I have loved you all so long
  與卿相依,地老天荒 Delighting in your company;
  綠袖招兮,我心歡朗 Greensleeves was all my joy
  綠袖飄兮,我心癡狂 Greensleeves was my delight
  綠袖搖兮,我心流光 Greensleeves was my heart of gold
  綠袖永兮,非我新娘 And who but my Lady Greensleeves

  我即相偎,柔荑纖香 I have been ready at your hand
  我自相許,舍身何妨 To grant whatever you would crave
  欲求永年,此生歸償 I have both waged life and land
  回首歡愛,四顧茫茫 Your love and good will for to have

  綠袖招兮,我心歡朗 Greensleeves was all my joy
  綠袖飄兮,我心癡狂 Greensleeves was my delight
  綠袖搖兮,我心流光 Greensleeves was my heart of gold
  綠袖永兮,非我新娘 And who but my Lady Greensleeves

  伊人隔塵,我亦無望 Thou couldst desire no earthly thing
  彼端箜篌,漸疏漸響 But still thou hadst it readily
  人既永絕,心自飄霜 Thy music still to play and sing
  斥歡斥愛,綠袖無常 And yet thou wouldst not love me

  綠袖招兮,我心歡朗 Greensleeves was all my joy
  綠袖飄兮,我心癡狂 Greensleeves was my delight
  綠袖搖兮,我心流光 Greensleeves was my heart of gold
  綠袖永兮,非我新娘 And who but my Lady Greensleeves

  綠袖去矣,付與流觴 Greensleeves now farewell adieu
  我燃心香,寄語上蒼 God I pray to prosper thee
  我心猶熾,不滅不傷 For I am still thy lover true
  佇立壟間,待伊歸鄉 Come once again and love me

  綠袖招兮,我心歡朗 Greensleeves was all my joy
  綠袖飄兮,我心癡狂 Greensleeves was my delight
  綠袖搖兮,我心流光 Greensleeves was my heart of gold
  綠袖永兮,非我新娘 And who but my Lady Greensleeves


Greensleeves was my delight -書童- 給 書童 發送悄悄話 書童 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/10/2007 postreply 17:20:51

哪位才女的翻譯?PF之至!!! -磨坊小劄- 給 磨坊小劄 發送悄悄話 磨坊小劄 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/10/2007 postreply 17:51:53

蓮波名作 -weston- 給 weston 發送悄悄話 weston 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/11/2007 postreply 07:33:37



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