spinning, laughing and dancing, eyes wide open for the sun~~
read something about fragility:
"nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals
the power of the intense fragility"~~
so it's understandable that somehow we're all alone, though with nothing done wrong~~
seven years, the age of that little girl or the age of loneliness that we have to endure~~
感謝你們叔侄倆, 為俺這陰沉慵懶的周末, 帶來歌聲裏的光亮~~
酷酷, 這是俺喜歡的歌手和歌~~感人的尋光圖~~小女孩是你嗎:
不客氣 :) 叔叔的那個“不客氣”就等他自己說了吧 ^^
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02/11/2007 postreply