今天早上起來,打開悄悄話,看到你送給我的【愛的真諦】,聽著【Return To The Heart】,我的淚水在不停地流。。。。。。我感動的無語。
雖然與你相識不久,可是你的溫馨和敏感,如絲絲春風,沁入我的心靈;你的愛心和善良,似天邊的彩雲,慰藉我的靈魂;你的音樂和文字, 清新而淡雅,常引起我的共鳴。
認識你,是我的榮幸。送給你這首我非常喜歡的【間奏曲 ♪From 鄉村騎士♪】,作為對你的答謝,但願你喜歡。子初,對不起,笨拙的我,不會做精美的帖子。
To My Momi
My mom is really nice,
She is also very fair,
No matter what will happen,
My mom will always care.
My mom makes me laugh,
‘Cause she’s very funny,
She is pretty interesting,
And she really loves me.
My Mom is very thoughtful,
She teaches me lots of stuff,
But I don’t always listen,
So my mom thinks it’s tough.
My mom controls her temper,
She knows a lot of stuff,
My mother likes to play with me,
She never plays rough.
My mom’s a great person,
So I want to say,
I want you to have,
A Happy Mother’s Day!
【答謝子初】間奏曲 From 鄉村騎士
來源: [ 音樂快遞 ] 林貝卡