回複:Rebecca,we seldom have party during new year day, I had g

來源: 林貝卡 2007-01-03 11:12:29 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (340 bytes)
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回答: *小雪*, did you have a good New Year party?林貝卡2007-01-03 05:39:34
*小雪* ,

We had a fantastic New Year party. We had friends come over, too.

Tell you what? I also spent a lot of time cleaning up my kids messy rooms. They always take forever to get their rooms done. So I have to do it by myself. Well, kids are kids after all.

Wish you all the happiness in the New Year.



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