Hi, having been working all day, I just say your comments on my Ma Zi. Thanks a million for your professional comment and careful correction of misspelling, errors in the article. I have to tell you that I writte these Zhuang Tou without much consideration to details. I should have done a little bit home work before I post them.
Very glad to know that you read my ma zi and even more excited to know that you are a profssional opera singer.
Please post some of your singings, especially, The O Mio Babbino Caro. It must be a beautiful show. I can not wait for your master piece of work!!
Please post anything about your daily performance, stage show, etc.. Share with us amateurs.
i am still in the office now. can not type in CHinese. But still do not want to wait one more minute to express my thanks to your kind comments!
Wish you success in music career.
A million Thanks to you!!
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08/08/2006 postreply
Thanks a lot for your very kind words!!
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08/08/2006 postreply
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08/08/2006 postreply