(z)Kenny Rogers(肯尼.羅傑斯)美國鄉村音樂教父 (圖)

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簡介: 肯尼·羅傑斯,1938年8月21日出生於得克薩斯州的休斯敦,他家境貧窮,但還是堅持念完了高中,並學會了演奏吉他和小提琴。上高中的時候,就在一支叫做“學者”(The Scholars)的山地鄉村搖滾樂隊裏演奏。高中畢業後,他錄製了兩首單曲:《我們永遠再次墮入情網》(We’ll Always Fall in Love Again)和《對於你的孤獨》(For You Alone)。在60年代初期,肯尼·羅傑斯在當地一些樂隊中演唱,1996年,羅傑斯自己組建了一支名叫“首版”(First Edition)的樂隊,樂隊的歌曲《魯比不要把你的愛情帶進鎮裏》(Ruby, Don’t Take Your Love to Town)第1首單曲是《愛讓我振奮》(Love Lifted Me),在1976年初成為一首小熱門歌曲。 但真正帶來突破的是1977年的《露西爾》(Lucille),此曲獲得排行榜冠軍,它不僅成為一首主要的鄉村熱門歌曲,而且還獲得了當年鄉村音樂協會的年度最佳單曲。憑此曲獲第20屆格萊美最佳鄉村男歌手獎。二年後憑《賭徒》(The Gambler)再獲第22屆格萊美最佳鄉村男歌手獎。 在1978—1980年間,他有5首單曲獲得鄉村歌曲排行榜冠軍:《愛或者相似的東西》(Love or Something like It)、《賭徒》(The Gambler)、《她相信我》(She Believes in Me)、《縣裏的懦夫》(Coward of the County)。同時,這些單曲大都進入流行歌曲排行榜的前10名。除此之外,他還推出了一係列同著名其他女歌手合唱的歌曲。其中如桃莉.芭頓等均是鄉村歌壇的風雲人物。1980年,羅傑斯以一首由萊昂內爾·裏奇(Lionel Richie)創作的歌曲《女士》(Lady)登上美國排行榜並在榜首停留了6個星期。1984年推出了金唱片《夜視眼》(Eyes That See in the Dark)。   1989年,歌曲《誓言不變(對你永遠忠誠)》[The Yows Go Unbroken(Always True to You)]進入排行榜前10名。隨後的專輯《內部十分強大》(Something Inside So Strong)成為金唱片,但隻進入排行榜前40名。   80年代末和90年代初,羅傑斯一直忙於慈善工作、音樂會、電視節目、電影、攝影和其他等事務並繼續出版唱片。美國前總統克林頓也非常喜歡鄉村音樂,也是他的歌迷和好友。 因為演唱流行鄉村而曾經名列舉世身價最高男歌手頭銜的肯尼羅傑斯,也同樣推出了爵士年代的抒情老歌。 這張碟收錄了Kenny Rogers 10首醉人極品情歌。Kenny Rogers極感染力的磁性優美聲,浪漫動人,加上發燒錄音,令人一聽難忘、百聽不厭。Kenny Rogers曆年成績傲人,其唱片的世界總銷量超越一億張,勇奪三屆葛萊美大獎及九張白金唱片。 Kenneth Donald Rogers (born August 21, 1938, in Houston, Texas) is a prolific American country music singer, photographer, producer, songwriter, actor and businessman. He has been very successful, charting more than sixty top 40 hit singles across various music genres and topping the country and pop album charts for more than 100 individual weeks in the United States alone. To his fans, he is extraordinarily popular; women in concert audiences bring him roses in unrelenting waves throughout a performance. Both his albums The Gambler and Kenny are featured in the About.com poll of "The 200 Most Influential Country Albums Ever".[1] He was voted the "Favorite Singer of All-Time", in a 1986 joint poll by readers of both USA Today and People. [2] He has received hundreds of awards for both his music and charity work. These include AMAs, Grammys, ACMs and CMAs, as well as a lifetime achievement award for a career spanning six decades in 2003.[3] Most recently, Rogers hit with his new album release, Water & Bridges, an across the board hit, that peaked at #5 in the Billboard Country Albums sales charts, also charting high in the Billboard 200. The first single from the album, "I Can't Unlove You," is also a hit. He is currently planning a tour of the United Kingdom, in a 2006 BBC Radio 2 interview he told DJ Steve Wright, his favorite hit of his was "The Gambler".


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