Yes, she spread her teaching by many of her art works--look at s

回答: who is that lady?finefine2006-07-20 10:12:41

Joy of Enlightment


One day when the Supreme Master Ching Hai was strolling along the roadside near the Costa Rica Ashram, She found the scenery extremely beautiful. She loved it so much that She fetched Her painting materials from the ashram immediately. The wind was so strong that Master had to hold the drawing board with one hand as She was painting! With the untarnished innocence of a child, the Supreme Master Ching Hai's paintbrush briskly caressed the canvas as She painted the grassland. One by one, blissful flowers and grasses were created by Her spontaneous strokes. Master particularly loves the dark green slope She painted. With the lovely scarlet flowers dancing brilliantly, the slope looks like a large thick carpet, enticing people to climb up and then slide down its velvety fur.

Moon Night
This is the third painting by the Supreme Master Ching Hai, which uses another style to portray a very different mood. The whole picture conveys an innocent and natural feeling, which can only be created by someone possessing the innocence of a child. The discerning admirer will perceive a pureness of mind. Only a small portion of a hill is portrayed. Looking like bean sprouts, the trees on the hill are blissfully alive in their vast natural environment. They resemble a group of happy children going on a field trip into the hills. Happiness and joy fill every inch of the canvas. Interestingly, the clouds in the picture also seem to be drifting silently, and the full moon shines with a radiant and dynamic beauty. This is an abstract style of painting. People with some knowledge of painting would marvel at the way Master has painted the trees as tiny bean sprouts. This is our Supreme Master Ching Hai, ever resourceful and ever fuelled with boundless, divine inspiration. We can only admire with awe, this profound and boundless wisdom of the Creative Force.

Simple Joy
The grass sway gently and carefreely with the wind. It seems so peaceful, blissful, and ignorant of all the worldly frustrations. It simply carries on living contentedly every day. This is inspired by the grass in front of Master's tent. One can admire the fine and subtle coloring technique at a closer distance.

One day, at the bamboo grove of Hsihu, the Supreme Master Ching Hai was painting together with a fellow sister who was studying art. This sister spent much effort in composing her picture, while Master had already finished Her painting within a brief time. At a glance, this heart really appears to be exploding. It's nucleus seems to contain infinite energy. It also symbolizes that at the instant of attaining enlightenment in our spiritual practice, our inborn almighty power is awakened and starts to develop.

Heavenly Flowers
This beautiful scene could not possibly be found in this world. The Supreme Master Ching Hai is giving us a rare glimpse of some of the inner realms perceived by spiritual practitioners. Therefore, the lotus flowers in the painting are supra-worldly, not belonging to this secular world. Master made repeated trials to perfect the color of the water. The scenery is so tranquil and peaceful, and the water is especially clear and pure as if it is capable of cleansing the most defiled material. Master said, "I have never learned to paint. I sometimes admire other people painting water, and I thought that they were great, how could they portray the motion of the water? I never thought that I could do the same now. Also, the feeling of the water is different in both paintings. It is so dynamic in `Song of the Sea', while it has such a tranquil atmosphere in 'Heavenly Flowers'."

Ordinary Dream
This painting initially appears to be most ordinary and commonplace. The theme is not particularly attractive either. "Ordinariness" is exactly what Master intended to convey to us through this painting. The Supreme Master Ching Hai is revered by all sentient beings in the Universe every day. It is indeed extremely rare to be a highly esteemed, genuine spiritual Master. Therefore,countless people are envious of Her role. What they do not know is that the Supreme Master Ching Hai lives solely for the benefit of all other beings, making countless personal sacrifices. She has virtually no desire for a worldly, complicated life-style. On the contrary, She longs for a simple, peaceful and carefree life. To convey Her feelings in the painting, She painted in a relaxed and casual way as though She were in Her own home. The painting technique and the composition of chrysanthemum is so carefree and natural, yet a faint beauty lingers lightly in the heart of all those who view it.