My favorite song; who is the singer?@@

來源: silly-kitty 2006-07-09 22:00:43 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (680 bytes)
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Thanks happymaker brother! U are so sweet!:))

I believe that I'm only an ordinary woman who dreams to become a better one all day and all night.:))

Like all ur new posts; they are so beautiful and touching! I'm only short of time and energy, due to which I reply fewer and fewer posts. Like sister rose said, I didn't want to say only one word to the authors,either. That's worse than to say nothing, in my view. But in my heart I do enjoy all ur great works, sincerely.

Thanks again for ur kind appreciation and the song u sent for us; wish u a lovely new week! Goodnite!--kitty:))

p.s. Who is the singer? Obviously it's not caiqin.@@


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