waiting for 2night-English

來源: gogobar 2004-01-16 16:28:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1360 bytes)
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Like a movie scene
In the sweetest dreams
Have pictured us together
Now to feel your lips
On my fingertips
I have to say is even better
Then I ever thought it could possibly be
It`s perfect, it`s passion, it`s setting me free
From all of my sadness
The tears that I`ve cried
I have spent all of my life

Waiting for tonight, oh
When you would be here in my arms
Waiting for tonight, oh
I`ve dreamed of this love for so long
Waiting for tonight

Tender words you say
Take my breath away
Love me now, leave me never
Found a sacred place
Lost in your embrace
I want to stay in this forever
I think of the days when the sun used to set
On my empty heart, all alone in my bed
Tossing and turning
Emotions were strong
I knew I had to hold on

[CHORUS [2x]]

Gone are the days when the sun used to set
On my empty heart all alone in my bed
Tossing and turning
Emotions were strong
I knew I had to hold on




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