
本文內容已被 [ *橘子香水* ] 在 2004-02-03 04:45:44 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

這是來自sissel的carrier of a secret-一首值得一聽的好歌

Carrier of a secret
No one wants to know
Show a little conscience
Guardian of the palace
No one wants to go
Broken hearted monster

Tell me the words that'll touch me
Tell me what's hurting you so

Carrier of a secret
Let your secret go

Carrier of a secret
Whispered in the dark
What are you afraid of

Carrier of a secret
Hidden in your heart
Show me what you are made of
Now put your hand to the quiver
Now to the bend of the bow

Let it fly – let it light the sky above you
Let it fly – let somebody try to love you

Carrier of a secret
To unhip to show
Too uncool to mention
Carrier of a secret
Let your secret go
More like a confession

Now like a bird from your window
Now like a song from your heart

Let it fly – let it light the sky above you
Let it fly – let somebody try to love you

How many mountains must you climb
How many tears must you cry
How many seasons must go by
Before you let your secret fly
How many mountains must you climb
Before you let your secret fly

Let it fly – let it light the sky above you
(How many mountains must you climb)
(How many tears must you cry)
(How many seasons must go by)
Before you let your secret fly

(How many mountains must you climb)
(How many tears must you cry)
Let somebody try to love you
(How many seasons must go by)
(Before you let your secret fly)

How many mountains must you climb
How many tears must you cry
How many seasons must go by
Before you let your secret fly


老大,又上你當了,強烈要求 -交出URL:))- 給 交出URL:)) 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/16/2004 postreply 01:13:00

這位大俠是讓我們譜曲呀,明白了!等睡醒了。 -一定有譜了!:)- 給 一定有譜了!:) 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/16/2004 postreply 01:18:00
