
回答: 聲聲醉如藍 (送書童和YYKD朋友)troublemaker2006-03-14 23:48:14
src= http://pds25.cafe.daum.net/download.php?grpid=NDGq&fldid=Gx9m&dataid=90&fileid=5&regdt=20060204151609&disk=25&grpcode=joungsu&dncnt=Y&.swf
width=500 height=700 type=application/x-shockwave-flash s="c"
style="Z-INDEX: 2; LEFT: 280px; WIDTH: 490px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 30px; HEIGHT: 421px">

Happy Birthday to Sherri!

01. As the Sun Rises - Ernesto Cortazar
02. Before I Go - Yanni
03. Capture The Moment - David London
04. First Touch - Yanni
05. Forrest Gump Suite - Chris Phillips
06. Like Wind - S.E.N.S
07. Sundial Dreams - Kevin Kern
08. Kiss The Rain - Yiruma
09. Sea - Andante
10. Heartstrings - Sweet People
11. The Town I Loved So Well - Phil Coulter
12. Valse Frontenac - George Winston

2006-4-11 by bingdian
